Friday, July 12, 2013

Photographing a Miracle

Mr. Husband and I had the
honour of seeing a young baby girl
be baptised. 

Photographing this one was a lot of
learning for me as it was the first
baptism of a baby I saw
in my new church.
I had taken pictures of most of these sorts
of events at my old parish and
it was a lot of learning and quick adjusting
to try to take the best pictures I could take.

Yet regardless of the learning,
I was again photographing a miracle.

Baptism and chrismation is
not a ritual or symbol that is empty but
rather so full that it overflows and is merely
a miracle.

Baptism is putting on of Christ.
Baptism is the dying of the old self and the birth
of a new person in Christ.
Baptism gives the gift of a Guardian Angel

Blessing the water...
years ago my spiritual father used baptismal water
to bless one of my icons.
Once water is blessed, it is changed,
it is holy.
One is chrismated after the baptism,
which is being anointed and tonsured.

In my Ottawa parish everyone would say,
during the chrismation,
when the priest says
seal of the Holy Spirit
Baptism and chrismation is a
very powerful miracle.
It ushers in a new state for the newly illumined,
the newly baptised is part of the church
and can receive Holy Communion.
A young baby's first communion is so moving;
to know that they are being fed such
Heavenly Food!
The baptised are baptised into Christ and then
feed on Christ.
How wonderful that babies can be fed by the church,
nourished by Christ's body as infants!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
His Glory Forever!

1 comment:

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Super photos!
As many as have been baptised into Christ, have put on Christ, Alleluia!

God bless the newly baptised infant....