Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday: baking bread, creating beauty, walking = fighting against the grey of late January

The above pictures are from yesterday and show the grey days of later 
January; we have been blessed to have some sunlight in the morning; 
then it gets grey; I have been fighting it with MORE walking,
getting back to my 5K a day steps.
The WSJ looked so grey and forlorn on the pavement; not that we get it or
that I would read much of it; I really dislike news for the most part
and would rather focus on everything BUT that!

So happy to have prepared dough last night for cherry and pecan bread! 
Here is the post the first time I made it
I had to look through my blog for a bit of time to find where
I had written, earlier, my shortcuts to the above recipe
and how I make it now. 
For that, and a simple run down of the recipe, see HERE.

My friend lent me her copy of Ree's love story book...
I just finished it...
It's really good writing.... I remember reading Ree's blog
back when it was much younger, newer and before her whole career 
developed from her blog... and I am sure I read various parts of her story,
that is recounted in this book, there, many years ago. 
It was a nice read; realistic but hopeful. 
I am glad she is in this world. 

Did you see the candle burning brightly above? it's why I took this picture... 

I love this bread so much. AND that I can make divide the already
finished (rising) dough at 8 AM and have fresh hot bread by 9 AM
(takes a while to get the pizza stones out/ovens hot, the actual baking
is between 30-40 minutes depending on if I am using my actual oven
or toaster oven. 
(Again, see what I wrote above this little section for
the bread recipe information.)

I finally got a *start* on my letter writing.
Finally felt like I had a day of quiet where I could begin doing that.
More letters to write/write back yet to do... 

Lunch. A blessing.

I finally got back to some simple knitting and also walked over 5K steps for the first time
in a while...

Potatoes, peeled, chopped, olive oil with garlic on top, salt, pepper.
Baked in toaster oven first at 425 then at 450F with convection to speed it up.
So good with a bit of ketchup. I forget so easily that this is one of my 
most favourite foods, and a very much a BRUNCH food.
My favourite.
My Husband reminded me that he does not like breakfast and I told him
(he laughed) that this was one of the tragedies of our marriage: that he
does not love breakfast food.  LOL.  I mean, really, think of ALL the meals 
I am not able to make?  I am going to make breakfast for supper however
tomorrow DV and my Husband already said he thinks of sausage and potatoes
(as done above) as dinner food so I am safe to make brunch.... :) 

The potatoes were my favourite part.

So excited to have more, DV tomorrow. 
I watched this video while knitting my favourite simple wash clothes
(I had made some or tried to do so on our trip and was so frazzled that I could not)
I really appreciated her thoughts on journaling for mental health
and exercise for both mental and physical health. 
Of course I also recommend praying it self for health.
But that's a story that is not easy to tell, just one that I know is vital.
Well, it's late now. 
I had a good day overall but my emotions are all over the map.
A lot of it is this pandemic and how it is still impacting our lives. 
God bless you all dear blog readers... many of whom I don't know
at all but still come here.
I hope you are all blessed, comforted, in what ever situation you are in; 
may God bless and save us all! 


karen hess jewelry said...

Dear Elizabeth ~ I can’t believe that you posted the bread recipe tonight after I just mentioned it earlier on IG! Thank you so much! I can’t wait to make it. I’m new here and find your blog simply enchanting. I’m a retired elementary school teacher. Mr. Hess and I are married 50 years and we have two grown daughters. We grew up on the east coast but have lived 43 years in Tucson, AZ. I can appreciate your feelings about late January weather, I remember it all too well. Crazy, but we had snow yesterday! It’s late and I need to get some sleep but I look forward to being part of your charming community! Blessings to one and all.
Karen Hess

Elizabethd said...

I want to try your bread recipe, Elizabeth, it doesn't look too hard. It's a long time since I mad bread.

Granny Marigold said...

Aren't potatoes just the most versatile and delicious vegetable? (Or are they are starch??) I'm fortunate that my DH loves potatoes. He is not a rice fan at all and only tolerate pasta. So we have potatoes quite often.

Heather said...

It would be such a tragedy to not like breakfast foods! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Pancakes, waffles and biscuits and gravy.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚