Thursday, May 29, 2014

Woosh! Moving Day....

No pictures but we are in.
The movers were first rate.
They came at 7 and we were totally moved and done by 11:40 AM.
Cleo is in the new place also of course.
She was a bit shy at first but is adjusting well to our new home.
It's good to be here; we have a great layout for our new home and it is 
a very lovely spacious place.
My Mom and I unpacked a lot of things.
Mr. Husband went back to our old place to finish up some things.
On the way he was rear-ended but thankfully at a very low speed
and you can't see any marks and he's OK.
But of course that was stressful!
I am so glad my parents are here for a little bit longer.
Today is the feast of Ascension and I am so glad to have 
the churches' feasts as part of the continuing rhythm of our days,
even when in the midst of huge change and upheaval. 
Christ is Ascended! Ascended in Glory!


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Goodness, I am glad Mr Husband is unhurt!

Good to hear that moving day is safely over and you are settling into your new home - have a Blessed Ascension Day!

GretchenJoanna said...

I agree about the feasts - they keep us on track and focused on our true life and home and journey.

Congratulations on finally moving in! So exciting! (Don't let yourself get too tired.)