Monday, January 21, 2019

one of our 'best days' ... (thinking of Donald Hall in this blog post title)

Donald Hall wrote a lot about his life with Jane Kenyon, before and after her death.
My Husband is not dying that I know of, thank God but days like this 
remind me yet of Hall's writing, capturing the fragile perfection of a 
day that is a gift to the ones in it.
Today felt like one of those.
While I could not blog about it, we had so many struggles these last years,
(I realize everyone does but that everyone does not take away from the
experience of one's personal struggles) and even when we had nice days or visits places,
there was always hanging over us the unbloggable struggle.
So today was exceptionally nice as part of this struggle is truly over/about fully over.
And it was MLK day here in the States and my Husband had the day off!
We played Dominion over a late breakfast and I won by 6 points! 
It's because I bought the cellar card which let's you discard 
as many cards as you want to replace
 (the green cards do nothing in your hand but are what you need in the end 
as they are your winning numbers, highest wins). 
We enjoyed some Christmas Cookies a friend gave us!
Later we watched the first of a double Walton's feature, it was lovely.
Meanwhile, both my grocery delivery service order came, the 
Christmas Crackers for this week's party came (and extra ribbon and 
fun festive candies! I can't wait to use them!) ... I ordered enough to have DV
Christmas Crackers for some years to come! 
After this, while I was preparing lunch, our special gift basket was delivered!
I enjoyed taking pictures of it, the presentation of it was very well done.
The cheese spread included was good but I admit I've had better...but no complaints,
it is a very nice basket! 
We are really blessed this Christmas with so many incredible treats. 
I feel like we are just being showered down with them. 
We had ginger tea and fresh lemon juice... 
I don't have a cold/cough but my Sweetie does and I am praying that I don't get it!
I have a lot to do for the Christmas dinner... I hope to start tomorrow!
I don't know all the reasons, but I struggle when I am given lots of blessings,
including in treats.  As in because I know others don't have as many treats,
for example and why was I given more than they? It's surely not because I am better
or more worthy.
We watched the second part of the double episode of the Walton's over dinner...
cheese and crackers, chicken broth, ginger lemon tea with lemon and raw honey...
I read to Mr Husband later at night again, from Tolkien's letters...
I read this which I found so comforting:
"Never lose hope in the mercy of God.” The Rule of St. Benedict
I am still reading through Fr A. S. Journals and finding lots to ponder.
I am really enjoying it, quite a lot. 
Most of the dishes are washed, laundry has mountains to climb!
Tomorrow I have a lot I hope to do,
from starting that bread recipe, preparing things for the Christmas dinner,
making lemon honey jam, preparing...
I ordered some side dishes from our grocery delivery service,
am ordering the roast beef soon, did an order for seasoning,
made Chex Mix today (after consulting with my Mom I went with the 
microwave instructions), am dreaming of having a really special time 
for the Christmas dinner with lots of fun things to enjoy!
The wind is still going strong here... I can hear it...
we thank God for a warm home, it was so cold today.
Praying for all those who have less and are cold, freezing today.
Lord have mercy.
I pray that no matter what struggles you are facing,
you do so with the knowledge of Christ's love for you and that He was born
at Christmas day so He could be with us forever,
so we will never be alone...


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I love to see pictures of your Kitty. So precious!

And of course, all the food pictures. I just looked at them very quickly so I wouldn't want to eat more!!

Lisa Richards said...

Amen! We are never alone! :) It's quite cold here, but I thank God for a warm house!
Your photos always contain so many interesting items. The basket is gorgeous! Enjoy all of your blessings! :)

Martha said...

It's been windy here, too. Like a gale. I hope your preparations going well and that you have a lovely Christmas dinner...when will that be? It seems like whenever I have a lot of blessings that are definitely more temptations & struggles.