Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday, Almost Wednesday

Today, as is often the case when I have a big NYC day,
was a bit hard.
I was tired and struggling with the (Dread Virus) unknown.... 
My Husband is reading (actually I think he read it before
so it's a re-read for him) JRR Tolkien's 
Unfinished Tales and came across this quotation: 

"We cannot dwell in the time that is to come, 
lest we lose our now 
for a phantom of our own design."
A really good reminder and what I will leave you with today.
May God have mercy on us and save us! 


Catsngrams said...

Love the quote so inspiring.

Elizabethd said...

What a wonderful quote, Elizabeth.

Lisa said...

Oh, how many phantoms there are of our own design! I was just thinking of that earlier.