Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Good Busy Wednesday

With the help of Marion Cunningham's edition of The Fanny Farmer Cookbook
I successfully cut up a whole chicken.
I found sometimes, for example with drumstick and thigh separation,
it was easier to do it by hand - as in hold it in my two hands,
move it around to feel for the joint and break it there, 
feeling your way, twisting it apart.  
Much easier than trying to use a knife, not understanding exactly
where I should try to do the separation. 
Right now the chicken is marinating in buttermilk in the fridge;
I got this inspiration from this book that I reviewed
and I am going to use at least 2 or 3 recipes for the 
chicken itself, which I will put flour and seasonings on 
and oven-bake the 'fried chicken' ... 

It was a cloudy day again... nice to talk a walk with Mr Husband
and I always look at this skyline and say 'hello' to NYC... 

I made Mary's Red Lentil Soup again for the first time
this Autumn! 
It became a Lenten staple last Spring for me
and still feels like a nourishing and comforting soup.
I put some in the freezer for myself to have next week,
which is going to be an inordinately busy week for me.
I saw the following on social media:

I saw this on social media today and when I looked it up
the focus was on the fact that 1. it seems to be true 2. US is really bad
at mathematics, which is no surprise.
But I liked this 'meme' for more than that point,
but that we must realize that it is easy to misunderstand something
and actually make the poorer choice, often because of
how something is portrayed or sounds to us in advertising. 
'quarter-pounder' just sounds catchy.
I wish that more would realize that social media and the like
can be very deceptive and that it easier than one thinks to be 
'taken in' by something (an idea, a trend, a movement, what-have-you).
And, of course, this is also a really good reason for NOT 'arguing online' 
to quote this meme. 
Anyway, something to think about. 
I like social media but I try to be aware of what I am seeing
and not take it at face value, esp if I don't know the source
or the person behind it. 

I did another book review on my own social media account,
you can see it here
Ironic perhaps to talk about how to be careful on social media
and then post something from it that I created,
but technically speaking I think blogs are part of social media
so there you go, or, rather, here we are. 
So tomorrow I am going to make that chicken, God willing,
and make some more potato wedges.
Should last us through Sunday at least. 
(Since Friday is a normal fast day so no chicken...!)
I got a cute little note-taking notebook
(the kind that flips over, so you have one page
at a time with the spiral on top)
and I am keeping my to-do list there 
and that's actually helping me a lot. 
Instead of only having emailed reminders that can overwhelm me
with how many can flood my inbox in one day!
So my Husband sent me a link to an article about
how groceries are being stockpiled again.
I am not worried like I was back in late February early March.
I have a lot more on hand, we've been slowly growing our
pantry and paper supplies and, 
Thank God, we are ready. 
There's still a few things I am thinking of getting, 
but really, I can only be thankful. 
Next week is going to have some personal challenges for me.
I don't know how much I will write about it
here but it's going to be a tiring week,
and it's nothing I can change.
So, if you have a moment, a prayer for that would be 
MOST appreciated. 
 I am really feeling so thankful and having
the cooking to do, books to read and review,
and the routine of our days here,
they are really helping me
focus on things that help me
instead of falling into a puddle of worry.
Not that I don't do that, I do.
But I am also seeing what is helping me,
since anxiety is something I have dealt with
for decades....!
God BLESS you and keep you
and protect you!!!
May His face shine upon you
and show you the way!


Pilgrim said...

I envy you having access to the free range chicken. Our Kroger quit carrying them, and they were so much better than the other.
I’ve been using Michael Ruhlman’s chicken recipe, which is very easy to cut up, after roasting at high heat, stuffed with quartered lemon and onion, trussed, and sprinkled with 2 tblspns salt!

Thank you for the laugh, re the quarter pounder.

Gretchen Joanna said...

That soup does look yummy. Macaroni always is comforting to me, and seems to go so well with legumes.

Lisa said...

Good for you, that you cut up the chicken! I've never tried to do it.