Friday, October 09, 2020

A Busy Friday (unexpected memorial and other adventures)

Suddenly the news is saying that NJ may be at/near
 the tipping point for the Dread Virus returning/spiking.
 So I went to Trader Joe's before everyone starts freaking out and emptying stores. 
It was a normal good shopping trip. 
Well, with everyone in masks but that, for now, is the normal... As good as it was...
....However they had no masala burgers nor their frozen cod, both are esp good.
 I did, however, get many wonderful things for the pantry! 
And a few things for the freezer!
I took light rail most of the way, then, when faced with a nearly 1 mile walk,
I realized I was feeling quite tired and ordered a cab instead...
and because of that, and construction,
we were at a stop for a good while...
I saw this pretty bicycle and realized immediately that it was put in memorial
of someone who must have died there on a bike... 

Then I realized what town I was now in,
and that one of our dear quilt guild members had been from that town
and has been biking to another town (NJ has many small towns) 
where her quilt shop was when she was struck by a truck
while on her small low bicycle and died as of a result.
So I looked more carefully and this was actually
the very memorial for +Peggy, the quilt guild member who 
everyone enjoyed being part of the the group with her
and that this was where she had died, nearly a year ago.
I was so surprised as to actually know (and care about,
we pray for her as departed every day!) the person who was being 
remembered in this way... 
So my trip to Trader Joe's, +Peggy was very much on my mind...
May God have mercy on her!

I took these pictures for my niece R. who had not known, until this week
when I talked to her, that there were WHITE pumpkins.
She calls them Pum-Cans.  It's really cute.  (She's nearly 4 years old).

So I got everything I wanted to get, that was in stock anyway,
and a few extra special things, and was reading the signs with 
instructions about bags and realized with a start and a worrying shock...

I had forgotten ALL about my pink cart because they only had the smaller
shopping carts (i.e. I could not put my pink cart towards the back of it, like I would otherwise; 
and I took the pictures of the cute pumpkins and then
went off with my shopping cart, forgetting my pink cart while
thinking about +Peggy and navigating the aisles, 
discovering that the masala burgers and breaded cod were no where
to be found and nearly crying because they were two of the main reasons 
I had come...of course that did not stop me from filling up my shopping cart...!
Thank God, my pink cart was still sitting there, all forlorn, right by
the pumpkin display where I had left it.
I had not realized I did not have it until I was in the line for checking out!
I was quite relieved to find it, still there, with the pumpkins...

I went home by cab, the cab driving earning his tip for sure
by putting my now heavily laden pink cart in this trunk...
I put the frozen things (other than 1 box of fish +
chicken pot pies for tomorrow) in the garage freezer
and then coming up and putting the frozen things away,
quickly got lunch ready,
tuna fish on toast, a salad on the side 
and right as I was ready for lunch, I 
learnt that my Husband's meeting had been moved up
and he had a mere 15 minutes to eat!
Well, after lunch, I called my Grandma and learned happily 
that my Great Aunt P. had gotten permission to go with her daughter P
to her cottage on Lake Michigan, 
where she usually goes up once/week in the summer months
and she got to see that some of her furniture was there, and 
her everyday dishes, from her house that she sold to another daughter, C. 
Aunt P has barely been out since lockdown happened 
and she moved to her (thankfully two room now, at the beginning
she only had one room) room at a nice nursing home (she has her own
small fridge and such there).  
So that was VERY special for her and I am SO VERY thankful for that.
And I found out later via my Mom that my Great Aunt R. has a buyer for her house,
so that is very good news...and my parents had a successful day going down to 
Amish country where they bought various things for the winter months in terms
of food (tea, soup mixes, oatmeal, the like of this). 
We found out last night that my Uncle An. (one of my Mom's 4 older brothers) 
was having heart surgery for a pacemaker to be put in;
I sure hope that went well.... We've all been praying...
We had breaded Tilapia for dinner with salad and toast...
I was going to make potato wedges but forgot that we are taking our daily
walk earlier in the day because the light is gone so much earlier now
so toast with fish is was! 
It was to celebrate St John the Evangelist and Theologian...
you know, the one who wrote the Gospel of John and two of the smaller,
but most wonderful, letters in the New Testament in the Bible... :)
I was glad to stock up on things like olive oil, my favourite bath gel 
and some hand cream now that winter is soon coming...
We've been preparing for the virus to spike again, really,
we've been preparing here and there all summer...
our pantry and freezer is well stocked... 
I am really thankful... 
And I am so thankful DV for Canadian Thanksgiving...
tomorrow I hope to prep the following...
~Green Bean Casserole 
~Turkey Breast (bone-in)
Also get the small crock-pot out hot apple cider, 
which I forgot to mention as one of our drink options when I typed out
our menu! And find the spices for this!
Well, I best get off to bed now! 
I am thankful that God's mercy is new every morning.
May God have mercy on us all! 


Gretchen Joanna said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! What a great blessing, to see the memorial and remember Peggy. +

That pumpkin display is impressive!! I haven't seen such a beautiful one yet this year.

I just talked to my cousin at her beach house in New Jersey last night, and it seemed as we compared notes that there are still more cases of the virus there than in my area of California. I have been dreaming about masks for many nights. :-(

Granny Marigold said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your husband.
The bicycle memorial to your friend Peggy is pretty and so amazing that you just came upon it not knowing at first who it was for.
Great that you could go to Trader Joe's and get more lovely 'stuff'.
Luckily your pink shopping cart was waiting safely for you right where you left it.

Paula said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Mom's coming over tomorrow and I'm doing a turkey breast too. They are trying to keep a lid on things and we're only supposed to have Thanksgiving with our household, so no big dinner with the in-laws this year.

That's a lovely memorial for your friend Peggy.

I actually left my purse! in the cart in the parking lot at the grocery store a couple of months ago. Luckily I was just on the edge of town when I realized it and thank God someone had returned it to the mall. What a panic!

Your niece would be amazed at our pumpkin selection back when we did the markets. Blue, marble green, red Cinderella, swan shaped, and white so many different kinds.

Gloria said...

Hello Elizabeth! A very happy Thanksgiving Day to you. It sure sounds like you are enjoying some very yummy treats. One of the nice things about holiday feasts is that we get enjoy all thous once a year special meals with the loved ones in our life. May if be a blessed day for you.

Lisa said...

I was at the dollar store yesterday and paid for two items. I prepared to leave the store, when the checkout girl had to remind me that I was about to leave my things behind! Good grief. But I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's forgetful sometimes. :D