Thursday, August 01, 2019

It had been coming for a long time....

Anyone who is even somewhat current with what
is going on in the world,
will know that the world is very troubled.
Troubled not only with wars and such things
but our Western Christian world has been crumbling for sometime.
While I am not going to talk in specifics here,
I was confronted with ways things are,
at least for now, changing so rapidly 
that I can see how invasive the people wishing to change
things in non-Christian ways are going about it,
though the Internet, Social media, even their use of spell check
in our emails....
I wish that was not so but it is.
I wrote a normal (and spelled correctly) 
word in an email and it was shown as a spelling error. 
(Sorry I am being vague but I am too troubled about it 
and don't want the trouble that can come)....
Seeing the ways that Christians and culture we held as not only
normal but enduring is being challenged,
it was like I was shocked, finally admitting to it or seeing it morph so 
quickly that I have no idea what it is going to mean
to be a Christian in the future, at least one who holds
the Christian beliefs that have been held for over 2000 years;
and beyond that; just simple marriage (or even relationship) of a man and a woman. 
I am seeing the reality of most of the world being silenced
on official forms and in social media in quiet and loud ways.
We have been reading Tolkien's letters and he talks about the biggest
problem that the Elves had was trying to keep things the way they had been 
in the past and not adapting to how things were in their present lives.
Now I am not talking about that the Elves were to believe something different
but that they did not adapt; what does it mean to live, for us, in a culture
that in 40, 30, 20, 10 years changed to be something that is 
unrecognizable to so many if they stopped to think about what was
before and what is going on now.
And if things don't stop racing to this end, as they seem to be,
what does it mean to be a Christian in a culture and world
that is increasingly hostile to you; I had one form I saw recently
that did not even give a 'check box' to say that one is simply
a happily married woman to her husband.
What does it mean to live in a world that is seeking to silence you
while saying that it was the Christian world that silenced everything before?
I guess I just want to mark this day that shocked me so much;
as if everything tumbled down in one fell swoop
of seeing realities silenced, 
realities (simply of a girl and boy falling in love, of marriage, of life 
as it has been lived since the beginning...)
 that will never be silenced
but at least, for now, denied by many in our current culture.
Well.  I won't write about this often, I don't think, as it's not the focus of my 
blog, which is more about my daily life and how I am creating
a home and family life for myself and my Husband, 
and really how I am adapting to my life here in NJ, almost 7 years,
with my best friend and Husband.
So while I won't talk about this much, 
I think I will always have this grief 
(of the destruction of culture and lives) in my heart.
I will continue to live
my life to support what I most hold dear,
Christ, Christianity, the Church, my extended family, 
my Husband and our marriage.
And I pray that we can live out our life in peace
but above all that we will live and die as Christians. 


Unknown said...

Hello Elizabeth,
As a 52 year man who was raised as a believing protestant (I became Orthodox about five years ago and my wife followed suit about two years later), I have been VERY aware of the changes you are seeing even while I was mired in much of the filth myself, I still struggle day by day and have the deep scars in my personality to prove it.
But really the truth is that this decline has been going on for a few generations and we are now seeing the snowball as it becomes an avalanche. We are in the process of making changes in our lives to better prepare us for the coming storm. I don't mean prepper stuff but internally, sanctifying ourselves in order to be true witnesses, something I have been awfully bad at my whole life.
To Christians I say that while persecution may come, it will only serve to strengthen the Church unless we truly are near His glorious return. Meanwhile we work as commanded and pray that our Lord does indeed find faith when he appears again, Amen and Amen.

Unknown said...

BTW, we are actually in NJ right now attending a wedding near Woodbridge, wow it's been hot! (and we are from Florida so that's saying something)

elizabeth said...

Unknown: I hear you. May we be saved and be found faithful!

Lisa Richards said...

I'm very much in agreement with "unknown". I've been disturbed for the last couple of days by a certain young man, who influenced many in the homeschooling movement in the '80's, and who now says he's no longer a Christian and is divorcing his wife. Going against everything he stood for. So many are falling away. One article talked about how some of this is the result of making celebrities of Christian leaders. The church has become too intent on impressing the world and trying to attract the world by being like them. We're in need of an awakening, and I think things are beginning to be shaken up in the church. Lord help us to be strong in the Spirit and follow Your lead and Your Truth! He is faithful! Hang in there, sister!

Becki said...

Just a note to say that I appreciate what you've written here, Elizabeth. It follows some other posts of yours where you've expressed a feeling that I'll call "not feeling at home here" (I'm not recalling exactly how you've put this). Your words are also corresponding to a Bible study that friends and I are presently doing - on the book of Daniel in the OT. It compares where we (Christians) are in our modern culture to the Israelites (specifically Daniel and his friends) as captives Babylon. It appears at this point in time, many Israelites had assimilated with the culture, whereas Daniel stands out as a true believer. And because of his faithfulness was continually put in a position to point to the truth of the One True God. That's a very simple summation of Daniel, but I thought I'd mention it because your words here and this Bible study are very timely for me. Bless you, friend.

Mary said...

II Timothy 3:1-5 paints a vivid picture of the last days with all its increased evils, of which you speak. The last three words simply say, "Avoid such people". I think (and apologize if incorrect) it was St. Silouan whose comment about the horrific balance between trying to live in Christ while looking into the chasm of hell, was "when you can bear it no longer, step back and have a cup of tea". For myself, and countless others who follow your blog Elizabeth, I like to have my own cup of tea while browsing through all the "whatsoever things are beautiful" pictures you show us of: beautiful churches, icons, flowers, china, meals made with great love for loved ones, uplifting, encouraging snippets from your readings...on and on. The beauty that comes from the body of Christ- in so many ways- overcomes so much evil. Light overcomes darkness. Be encouraged Elizabeth. He hears our prayers to stem the powers of darkness and He brings relief to those suffering. Thank you for being just one way of countless ways He directs His children to that beautiful light that overwhelms the force of evil. Tea recommendations, included!!!! God bless you and Mr. Husband.

elizabeth said...

Thanks so much Lisa!
Becki, I appreciate your words; it is so good to be reminded of St Daniel! :)
Mary, your words were consoling, thank you so much, that means a great deal to me!