Friday, August 02, 2019

Friday: Surprising Relief, as if being released from a prison...

I had done everything I could to get ready for this appointment
and even to ready myself...
outfit, haircut, packed lots of food, tea, kombucha, 
my notebook with questions, my journal, my Psalter, other books.
The train rides went well,
my friend Juliana picked me up from the train center and took me to the 
medical centre, pointing things out so I could be better oriented.
That was a really blessing! 
And I went in with a new small icon of the Mother of God that she gave me,
pendant sized, from St Nectarios'... and I kept thinking of this as I made my way up 
to the ophthalmology floor. 
I got signed in, settled in, eyes dilated...
I had time so I went down and got a bowl of soup and a hot
cup of chair tea and ate it when I returned...
then various imaging of my eyes 
(aren't those pictures of my eyes cool? 
 (the pictures are of the retina specifically, the outside of it,
I was told))
and had some tests and more imaging ....
and then I finally met with the doctor, about 4 hours or more later.
And then a bell sounded in my life that was so sweet
with relief.... as I wrote earlier on social media:
The retina specialist in Philly, upon doing various tests and pictures of my eyes, 
did NOT feel that I have a genetic retina disease 
but that myopia is the cause of the tests not being perfect. 
We are doing genetic testing (which has to go through insurance)
 to be sure that something was not missed that would be serious. 
But overall, I am feeling a LOT of relief. 
While it is possible that the myopic level will go to myopic degeneration
 that will worsen in time and cause serious vision problems,
 it's not a 'for sure thing' like the 2 diseases would have been.
I understand from the doctor that the level of myopic I have at present
is hard to predict what exactly it will do and he advised some
simple things to help ... 
My impression of this office was that the workers were all happy,
worked well as a team and were really considerate. 
In NYC most of them seem weary, worn and not fully present to you,
so this was a noticeable and rather surprising difference... 
So I may not know genetic stuff to be 'extra sure' for at least 4 months.
But I felt so relieved that it's like I can finally sink onto a couch
and feel my body relaxing from it's tense 
'we are about to run a marathon' pose...
though I do realize that some of myself is still tensed,
hard not to be with the struggles with the intense fear I have been having
on and off.  But I am thinking of how to keep and nurture peace
within myself, which I find is ONLY found in Christ... 
The train ride back was good... I had fallen asleep on the way there
and almost missed my stop (and then the one door
did not open, later on the way back I heard them say
that the 'quiet cars' one had to go towards the exit door
so I think I made a mistake but I was scared for a minute that I would not get out)
I had to read to keep myself awake on the ride back...
then, once back, and Mr Husband had called me to say it was a 
fish day for St Elias (Elijah) and so he took me out so I could have a 
bowl of fish chowder that was just a fully perfect bowl of soup.
I was not eating it until about 8 PM so I was more than ready!
Then prayers, Cleo had her meds, she is still laying in front of the couch,
like the above picture... glad to have me back home...
Mr Husband (who worked from home today
and listened to the conversation with my new doctor 
so that I did not have to recount everything to him later) was glad to have 
me back home as well... 
Meanwhile, I can tell that I am really exhausted and my eyes,
they are tired too.  While I am reassured on many levels,
my eye sight and eyes still need a lot of TLC.
So goodnight and THANK YOU all for your prayers.
I could not have done this day without them.


shoreacres said...

I'm so glad for your good news. Here's hoping that the genetic testing brings such relief, too!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Praising God for this good news!

Paula said...

So wonderful for your good news!! Prayers for the genetic testing too.

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

I am so happy for you, Elizabeth!

Lisa said...

Oh, my goodness! After all this time and so many tests! Such hopeful news - praise God!

Pilgrim said...

I am glad to hear your good news!

Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

So glad you've had a happy end to all that waiting! Especially from a team you feel good about, and can trust for the next steps.

And oh I sympathize about cat meds!!

Becki said...

So glad to read your good report, Elizabeth! I pray that the genetic testing further sets your mind at ease once you get that report - and that you can grow in peace 'till the day that comes.

GretchenJoanna said...

That's wonderful!! What an expedition, and so much waiting, waiting... then relief! All of that is exhausting, and I pray that your rest be sweet -- as deep and long as it needs to be, with no nightmares, only angels keeping watch!