Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday: you can stay a little longer...

Today was a really decent day...
I took a 38 minute 1.4 mile walk, 
did various at-home errands and dishes,
laundry, cookbook reading...
I ended up making a curry with frozen shrimp that
Mr Husband had been asking me to use for a long while...
so still need to use the dill! 
I got a really special card in the mail from my sister-friend
and it really touched me, as she is one who has known me
and sees me so well... 
Tomorrow DV (Lord willing) includes vespers
and on Monday we celebrate (again) the Feast of Transfiguration
at our far-away church... so if I don't blog a lot between now and Tuesday,
I am just busy, not to worry!
I pray each of you are upheld by God wherever you are reading this from...
May Christ have mercy on us! 

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

That's a pretty card your friend sent.
Have a blessed next few days as you celebrate at your far-away church.