Thursday, October 26, 2017

Courage Dear Heart

Thank The LORD! 
We are home, had the cozy evening (Walton's date!), all went 
well today in NYC.
  I had some fear about today and was exhausted when all
we well and we were coming home.
I don't think I realized how hard it was for me until it was all over;
I was battling some real fear-thinking.
I bought this stone for myself and my Husband
and gave it to him, saying
Courage Dear Heart
and of course, my Husband being the joke-cracking-off-the-wall humour,
said "abandon all hope, you who come here"
(this of course being at the beginning of Dante's 
Divine Comedy, when Dante enters Hell (The Inferno))
to which I said "Dante made it to Paradise and we may too"
to which he said "We hope!" to which I agreed. 
Well, the chicken fajitas worked out.
Ended up needing them 'bland' so that was perfect.
Tomorrow I may try my soft vegan tacos.
Husband and I prayed most of the 
morning and that was a real blessing to us.
We saw the cutest little gift store, pictures above.
I got to talk to my quilting-friend on the phone and that was great.
I pray that all of you are comforted when you are
exhausted, distressed or sad and that today
had some shards of hope, some peace, something
that spoke to your soul saying:
you are not alone and 
it's going to be OK.


Tracy said...

Hi, Elizabeth! Sooo GOOD to catch up with you and see/hear about your life in recent days. I'm just really getting back on track post-travels and much--getting there, whew... ;) And you have had much to cope with too. LOVE the Courage stone. I find these words of Julian of Norwich very comforting in times of trial... “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” :) I pray all shall be well for you & your husband and all of yours. With Love, In Christ--Tracy ((HUGS))

Gloria said...

I am so glad that your medical day went well. I know from past experience (24 years a cancer survivor) that every medical test no matter how routine can cause some stress or a little apprehension. What a blessing to be able to take refuge in the Lord. On a different note. such a cute gift shop, my favorite kind. Once again as I look around your home and see all the meals you so lovingly prepare for yourself and your husband, I am continually amazed at how each meal you set on your table is a work of art. Blessings to you this day Elizabeth.

Helensmum said...

Well done brave heart! meals and home are lovely,

Ann Marie

elizabeth said...

Thank you so much Tracy! thanks for your love and prayers!!!

Gloriade, thank you so much! your kindness about my table settings is a real blessing to me, thank you!

Ann Marie, thank you!!!

Angie said...

It's so sweet you have this special language and jokes with your husband as it shows a closeness and connection. To be committed to pray the Acathist is a real blessing all the more that you pray together with your husband. And an amazing literary piece