Thursday, December 23, 2010

Memory Eternal!

With tears and a heavy heart,
I must tell you that
Kh. Ramia and Fr. Anthony's
beautiful daughter Lucia
Memory Eternal!
Let us keep Kh. Ramia and Fr. Anthony
in our prayers especially at this time.
Lucia touched all of us
and truly is a child of light.


Anonymous said...

very sad :( May her memory be eternal.

RW said...

memory eternal.

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Memory heart goes out to her dear family.

. said...

Memory eternal. This is so sad.

DebD said...

How very difficult for Lucia's family. May they find comfort in the coming weeks and months. memory eternal.

Martha said...

I'm sorry to hear of your friend's passing...Lucia. How old was she? What happened? I don't know if you know the Martha in her 20s, who lives in Ottawa and has been battling cancer, but she just passed away...I never met her, but we had a friendship like yours and mine. It really touched me. I will pray for these two young people...

elizabeth said...

Marfa - Lucia was Kh Ramia and Fr. Anthony's 5 month old baby who was very sick...

Yes, I heard of Martha's passing via your sister and am praying for her; she and Lucia will be on the monastery prayer list at Holy Dormition...

May their memory be eternal!

E Helena E said...

Very heartbreaking. Memory Eternal.