Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Day

News of young Noah needing prayer -

he has collapsed suddenly...

I learned of Noah and his family through Mat. Anna;

this family has been through a lot of struggles lately;

will be good to cover them with prayer.

My sister Rebecca and my brother-in-law Mark

made it home on time yesterday!

What a blessing, considering the mess

London airports have been in.

It is good to have them home.

Liturgically I will be on the New Calendar
until I return to Ottawa
God willing January 5th;
with Christmas Eve being January 6th.
Tonight will be my Christmas Matins and Liturgy
at the church I was chrismated in;
it is always good to worship with them again.
May Christ be born again in our hearts
as we approach His manger
and His humble birth.


Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

So glad to hear your travellers made it through for Christmas! Have a very happy family Christmas on the new calendar and another back in your Ottawa parish on the old one! I love having my tree up for so long ;) Thinking of so many families for whom the 'expected' fun and jollity of Christmas makes their very different situation harder to bear - may they be surrounded by the love of Him who truly suffers with us.

Matushka Anna said...

I'm so glad your family made it home safely!

Thank you for your prayers for Noah.

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

You must all be so relieved and happy that your travellers have returned home safely !

Prayers for those who will be bearing difficult burdens this Christmas-tide....