Monday, December 20, 2010

Home with my parents and the Christmas tree!

One of our Canadian relatives gave this to us

some time back.


Too funny and cute, hey?


as you may have guessed:

I'm home!

Flights were fine, only half hour delay.


So good to be at home,

with my parents,

wearing new slippers from my Oma... of the last new pairs I will ever have,

hard to believe this but she will be

102 years old

this Friday

(new calendar)

Christmas Eve.


Tomorrow I get to rest.


Okay, I am also going to do

at least a little job searching

but will rest too!!

This is one of our Christmas tree's

older ornaments,

always liked it...

A little blurry but Cleo would love
this mouse...
my Aunt made them out of felt
when I was still a kid.
I am going to savour every minute of being home.
My Dad is already teasing me...
(only one hug a day Elizabeth,
like vitamins)
It is still hard to believe I made it;
Thank God for His mercy.


Matushka Anna said...

I'm SO glad you're home!!!

Enjoy your Christmas! (c;

E Helena E said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your time at home! I'm glad your travels went well. I just mailed your card today! Too bad I missed you. :(

elizabeth said...

Thanks Mat Anna!! Will do!

Jodie Anna - thanks - it's not too late - I still have my old calendar Christmas when I get back! :) and with all you have on your plate, just that you mailed it to me is huge. Thank you!!

biss said...

A song I grew up with:

"Four hugs a day, that's the minimum.
Four hugs a day, not the maximum."

--Charlotte Diamond

RW said...

enjoy your time home.