Sunday, February 04, 2018

A rest-filled Sunday

We stayed local so that we could have more rest.
It was good to be in church and at the coffee hour afterwards. 
We took a quick walk when we got home and saw up close, as it were,
the nearby construction... those small posts in the ground are actually 
the huge posts that you see lying on the ground! 
Very loud BANG-BANG-BANG when those are put in!
We watched the beginning of Season 3 of the Waltons today and that
was really nice.
Well, this week is shaping up to be busy but that's good.
I hope to have some time at home to work a little bit more on writing/reading.

I wanted to say that the book I read earlier, Icon, was so incredible.
So vivid, well written, it felt like it was clean, tight writing, all extra was 
hewn away and the story is strong and I personally felt was narrated with great skill.
I really really wish this book would get a larger audience than it may because of it
being a bit of a niche publisher who I love, of course! ..... 
 I am so glad that the Internet can help with such things. 
The beginning of it is very suspenseful and a bit scary but so well
constructed and with such power as it goes towards the middle and end of the book,
that it was just a profound read.  I don't want to give it away
but can say it is a dystopia, combines so many things (from dystopia fiction
but also current history and concerns with past history,
but also with mention of some YA novels that are in our time frame and combines this with
the 12 year old being from an Orthodox family....)....  
I thought it was rather impressive and masterful. 
I really hope the author writes more and with such great skill and editing. 
Well, we are hoping to dodge the sickness that we felt coming.
Rest did go a long way today. 
We will keep taking it one day at a time.
Really appreciate the love, support and prayers of many! 


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

I read "Icon" just before Christmas; it was wonderful but so very sad.

Lisa Richards said...

What sort of writing do you do? Journal? Or are you working on a book?
I hope you manage to avoid the flu!

Tracy said...

Sundays that hold the very best of church, enjoyments, reading, comfort food and rest are so sweet, aren't they?! Glad you had such a day, which makes a refreshing start to a new week. God Bless you, my friend! :) ((HUGS))