Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday ~ Surprised by Sunshine and Many Other Things

Just 1.5 weeks left of Lent.
I realize every time I think of Pascha
I am thinking of Pascha in Ottawa.
I have no categories for how it will be at my
new church
other than that it will be the same joy
the same liturgy
and the same
Risen Christ who has overcome it all.
That said,
I am realizing once again that I miss Ottawa
or rather that there is grief in moving places
even when for the most joyous of reasons.
This book review unexpectedly tipped me off to
this realization again.
So the quotation that
I blogged about earlier today
and that I re-posted as the next picture
really caught my attention:
the sentence towards the end
A great deal of work is needed in order to build 
the house of our soul...
It was back in the earliest days of
Mr. Husband and I's still young marriage
that I first came across this,
when the monk told me via a translator about
how frustrating it can be when trying to make
the house of one's soul and seeing
it crumble again.

It is a really incredible quotation;
I read this book usually late at night and
often it speaks to what I need to hear.
Such a gift.
Not all letters in it apply to me directly
as he writes to all sorts of people
but yet I learn from each one. 

I did not know of this concept
but with Christ I am being taught
that I can at least endure to the end and
strive to keep going in the right direction...
My spiritual father in Ottawa,
once when we were discussing
St. John's Book,
The Ladder of Divine Ascent
told me
when I could see no progress in my own self:
it is a blessing to just be on the ladder.
I really miss my Ottawa spiritual father.
So, the meal I made last night was wonderful!

and enjoyable!

And with leftovers!

We had almonds for protein together...
I made this dish cloth a while ago,
just wanted to mention. :)
And the ones I made for my Aunt J.
were received this past weekend
for her and Uncle D's 50th wedding anniversary in
I wish I could of been there
but I talked to my Aunt J. twice recently and all
of my Aunts on my Mom's side said
that Oma would of been so proud.
I hope to make Koek today or tomorrow
and must go on a walk as I was not expecting sunshine
again today!
This cake looks wonderful for the Bright Season -
H/T: Mary.
Loved this tale of one of my new blog friend's
first time knitting in public.

1 comment:

MamaBirdEmma said...

I'm going to try that recipe out tomorrow night!

Good work on the washcloth!