Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday ~ Sunshine, tired and knitting progress

here we are again.
Jelly-tired legs,

Baby blanket progress!
I need to order more baby wool soon...

I finished two scarves.
A small knit scarf for a niece.
Another Christmas gift for one of my guy relatives.
Mr. Husband tried it on and it looked great
and I am quite pleased.

I started knitting yet another scarf.
Yep. Everyone is getting scarves this year!
This one is for an older niece who I think
of as a nice bright soft blue.
I love this yarn and going to need to order more.

After being home all day yesterday
Mr. Husband and I went for a small walk.
On this walk I spied a small posy of dogwood flowers.
Perfect for our icon corner,
for the Mother of God.

So Mr. Husband and I planned out
our weeks in hope that I can make it through
Holy Week.
I should of paid more attention to my
tired-out fading signs last week.
I guess I am a slow learner.

Mr. Husband bought me this small new rose bush.
I told him I want to transport this kitchen ledge
where ever we live in the future
(we know we will not be forever in this lovely
first home).

Resting up in hopes that I can bake later.
Some of me wonders if one of the reasons
I am continually ill right now
since getting
the mono
is that I went through some really challenging years
and then left my beloved home in Ottawa
and am going through an adjustment period that
involves a lot of transition, some grief, lots of learning
and a lot of energy.
It's a lot to move and have to start over.
I've been thinking about the
building of the house of one's soul
a lot lately and it is making a lot of sense to me.
I wonder if some of what I had in me was so
based in where I was that when I moved
some of the moorings and walls could not but
break down.
But I feel like the foundation itself is still there,
though I do not have the discernment to know
how intact or how well.
I am thankful that today I can rest.


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

You have endured a great deal of anxiety and upheaval in the last few years and sooner or later, such stress has a habit of catching up with us.

Rest, pray, enjoy Mr Husband and dear Cleo's company, dear friend. Mono is an illness of two steps forward, one step back.

Mary said...

I'm so impressed with your knitting!! That's a skill I would love to learn someday.

Susan said...

Elizabeth is right about mono. It takes a very long time to get over it.
I think our body takes all it can, and then just gives out.
It gives us hints and clues to slow down, take it easy etc.
But, when it finally shuts down, sometimes it is for a very long time.
I hope and pray that the springtime and Pascha will bring you joy, happiness and good health.

Apseed said...

I do not know anything (well, if just a little) about the disease, but very sorry for you. I would like to help, but do not know how. I really hope you feel better soon.

P.S.- and I like your knitting. It looks great!

elizabeth said...

You are all such blessings in my life ~ thank you!

tales from a handmade home said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell elizabeth, hope you'll be feeling much better soon........your gift knitting is lovely and a wonderful excuse to stock up on more yarn.........I find knitting to be a great comfort in times of stress and discomfort.

Michelle M. said...

Great job with the knitting. I think a lot of my family members are going to get scarves this year, too :)

Rest up and take it easy. I had mono years ago, and I would always relapse when I did too much. Hugs!!