Thursday, October 04, 2012

North and South ~ Missing Ottawa ~ Nesting in States

Part of the wedding gift money
my DH agreed to spend on some books.
Children and YA Ortho-books!
I hope to write on some of these at sometime
in the future.
Recieved great news that the surgery
of a newer person in my life went well...
Please keep praying for a good recovery;
we are so thankful for the good news...

Picture from church picnic this past year.
Yesterday my Ottawa church had vespers and a teaching
by my spiritual father.
I was really homesick for them;
I talked to my Ukrainian Mom on the phone
and later that night realized how much I missed everyone.
It was like the sadness was mounting for sometime
and I did not realize it
since I have so much to be happy about.
I really miss everyone.
There is not tons I know to do about it.
I wish I could visit but even that is not simple.
I have lots to do in October with my
newly married Ortho-husband.
Our calendar is quite full already.
And in later Novemeber God-willing we
are going to Michigan to be with his family
for Thanksgiving and I will be able to
see my family as well.
I feel so blessed to have married my Orthoman.
He's dutch like myself and we have a lot in common.
We enjoy lots of the same books, magazines and music.
We both love children and I am really happy
to be an Auntie to his siblings' kids.
I have the blessing of not having
to look for work right away.
It is an intense and special time as
we work out how it is to be married
and be with each other.
I remember one of the parishoners
at my church in Ottawa saying
about his wife that he
knows when he has been blessed
and I can certainly say that about my
I know when I've been blessed.
It's such a blessing to be able to visit my family
a bit more
espeically as everyone is
slowly getting older
and to be building
 a peaceful home....
I will always miss Ottawa and the special times
I had there...
Most of my apartment I left I don't miss at all;
it got increasingly hard by the end;
but I do miss my friends who
I would have dinner parties with.
God willing I am having two Thanksgiving dinner parties
this coming weekend with new friends.
Which is wonderful.
It is all very different but I know that it is
still blessed.


Maria said...

It takes time, even for a plant, to get over the shock of being dug up and transplanted and to put down new roots. Even a plant needs extra watering at this critical time, or it will wilt, or worse. So be extra kind to yourself and give yourself time.

Martha said...

We are headed to Ottawa this weekend (our first time there) and will celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday! ♥ I look forward to hearing about which children's books you two got and how you like them!!!

Sarah in Indiana said...

Moving is always hard, even when it's for a happy reason. Phone calls and skype can help when you're missing people, and postal mail can be even better. Maria has very good advice, too.

Best wishes on your marriage! I'm so happy for you, and looking forward to hearing about your adventures in marriage and readjusting to life in the US.