Thursday, October 25, 2012

Soup ~ Take One

I made my first vegetable soup
as Mrs. Wife yesterday.

Softened the carrots and onions first in
some water.

Added some Lenten soup broth.
Green beans
white Navy beans
orange and red tomatoes
a couple of tomatillos
Salt, pepper and a bit of curry powder.
I was hoping to make the vegan biscuits
but ran out of time;
I did however make a great fast-friendly
apple crisp!
This turned out really well.
The soup itself turned out pretty well for the first try.
I was going to add some lemon juice to it at the last bit
but forgot,
will have to try this for the left overs!
I have a lot to learn yet in
and am already thinking of
the Christmas fast and
what foods should be made...

1 comment:

GretchenJoanna said...

It's hard to ruin soup when you've got all those wonderful ingredients. I made soup yesterday, too, with some French lentils -- I don't know why, but they seem so completely different and lovely compared to the usual flat ones.
What a joy to cook for your new husband!