Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another interview over!

I had my phone interview;

notebook, job desription, resume and cover letter
readily at hand.

It went well.

Candles were lit.

I am tired now,

which is normal after an interview.

I do not have much time to sit around though,

as I have to prepare for a potential lengthly in-person interview,

as well as doing some other job searching activities.


I thank you for and ask your prayers.


Thank God for His mercy!


Peacocks and Sunflowers said...

Well done! God is with us. This job search business is a job in itself. Encore bon courage:
Que rien ne te trouble
Que rien ne t’effraie
Tout passe,
Dieu ne change pas,
La patience
tout obtient ;
Celui qui a Dieu
ne manque de rien
Dieu seul suffit!
- Catherine of Siena

GretchenJoanna said...

Happy to hear it went well. Now I'll be praying that you get that in-person interview.

Your pics of spring blossoms are wonderful!!

Mimi said...

I know interviews are stressful, but the photo of where you sat is so peaceful. Sigh. What a comforting thought to have you so surrounded by peace and prayers.