Friday, June 14, 2013

Quiet morning at home

today I was going to have to go back to NYC
after being there last Friday and
getting drenched.
After going to liturgy yesterday morning
for the Feast of Ascension
(wonderful encouraging post on
Ascension here)
Mr. Husband and I went to the local grocery store
(actually one of the many around here...)
and ended up sitting in the car watching the
rain pour down and the wind blowing it hard
in waves on the ground.
I knitted, we talked and then
made a run for it when the rain let up.
And I began realizing that I would love a day
at home tomorrow
and bake.
So I am home.
If I get to bake, we will see.
I took some pictures of my favourite things to show you.

I love this bread platter from my family in MI.
My Aunt and Mother have ones with these theme
and I am still so happy to have this.
It helps me feel linked to them.

I love this new icon.
I love icons in general.
This icon of Christ
made-without-hands is one of my
Ottawa spiritual father's favourites.
It is at one of the monasteries we go to
and I am still so happy to have it in our kitchen.

I put up our Icon of the Mother of God
the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign
on our icon shelf.
It is a special icon for Mr. Husband and I and
a great encouragement to us.

A new little laminate icon here
of St. Juliana of Olshanskaya
as I love her also...

My beloved little Dutch dolls and
things for tea...

This framed flower
I have had it for years now,
it was pressed in a book and later given to me
as a reminder of how God has blessings
waiting for us.

I have finished reading
the autobiography of Abbess Thaisia but
am still working on the last bit,
on the conversations with St. John of Kronstadt

Two wonderful blog posts to read
about choosing a spouse and
maintaining a marriage

The Paschal egg is to be put away soon
until God Willing next year...

Cleo greatly enjoys being around with me.
I finally put up two of
Mr. Husband and I's wedding pictures.
They are really lovely ones.
We have a lot of things organized well in our
first home together
but we still need to merge our book collections
and utilize our space better.
With my coming down with mono in February
everything got either pushed back in priority,
if not just falling off the page all together.
And new things came up as well,
like my learning to knit.
I finished a scarf in just three days this week!
Of course I also had one of
my new friends over for lunch and we talked
and I knit while talking...
I am still having to watch my energy levels
closely as if I do a lot,
meaning going 10 blocks to the library and back,
and other things,
I have some tired days later.
The wonderful thing in all of this is that
our Sweetest Lord Jesus loves us with so much
gentleness and tenderness.
He tends us with care,
especially when we are struggling and look to Him.


Nicole said...

I have that same bread platter! I especially love that I can put it in the oven and it will retain the temperature through half of dinner, longer if I keep it and the bread wrapped in a tea towel.

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

That's an amazing bread platter! And your icons are always so gorgeously photographed!

elizabeth said...

Hi Nicole! How neat that you have the same one!! :)

Thanks Elizabeth! :) you always encourage me!