Friday, December 09, 2011

Friday in Michigan

Today I worked for over ten hours

to finish up the proposal

for the contract

that I found out about two weeks ago.

It was due today and

given the week I had

today was a bit of a scramble to get it done.

Thankfully I had help

and it is now submitted.


My family all made it home safely.


Tomorrow I have a ride to vespers and the next day

to Sunday liturgy.


Sunday night my family will do a quiet

Christmas time

and I fly out early Monday morning.


I have a lot more to process but

will have to do that when I return to Ottawa,

God willing,

on Monday.


Your love and support over this time has

been a great source of solace.

Thank you.


God is with us.


. said...

I hope you enjoy this time with your family and that you don't worry too much about your contract! :)

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

I am glad that you managed to get that contract submitted safely. God grant you a safe trip to Ottawa on Monday, dear friend.
You and all your family are in my daily prayers.

E Helena E said...

Thanks be to God that it got done despite everything. Have a lovely rest of the time with your family.

RW said...

thinking of you over these past days.
one day at a time.