Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bookish Fun for Today

This book Persuasion by Jane Austen I saw HERE on Miranda Mills YouTube channel and bought via her link in the description box :

(above is a screenshot so you can see what I mean).

Anyway... Miranda is lots of fun!

And the book is SO FUN! the map is super beautiful and has what looks like handwritten notes in old fashioned brown ink! 😍 The closeup of the map is to show you this!

I studied this novel in my English literature studies. It is a joy to revisit especially with this lovely edition! My only wish is that it would have come with a bookmark! A ribbon would have been perfect or just a neatly designed one. 

Nonetheless it's a really special lovely edition and is helping me enjoy my hours of convalescence! 

My foot has been a bit sore today but it could be so much worse! 

I go to the doctor tomorrow late afternoon. My dressing will be changed and checked on.  So that will be good!

I wrote more for my writing project and am really happy about it!

I have two books coming (used!) and that is something to look forward to as well....

I am so thankful that I made it through today. 

May God bless and protect us all πŸ™


Lisa said...

What a nice edition of that lovely story! Glad your foot continues to improve. :)

Lisa Richards said...

I've seen a few film adaptations of Persuasion, but haven't read the book yet. Someday! Happy reading and speedy recovery! Hugs! :)