Friday, March 15, 2019

First Friday in Great Lent ~ full of reading, beauty, presanctifed and a rain storm on the way back home

I read more of the book by/about the Greek Abbess Makrina today
and wow, is it way beyond my spiritual level...
it's like a young child reading a graduate study book on physics....
but better!  I am really loving it
The book Spyridon's Shoes was so wonderful.
I am researching recipes and learning.
Presanctified liturgy was so beautiful.
I find the fast (no food/water from noon on until one has Holy Communion)
is not easy for me to do but it is so worth it at the same time.
I am trying to keep our house a bit more tidy, but it is not 
easy for me to do.
I pray each of you is being carried by Christ to His Holy Pascha (Easter)
and that He is with you...


Granny Marigold said...

Your Orchid is stunning!
I'm glad you're enjoying your choice of books.

Martha said...

Hope you have had a good 1st week! I'm trying to keep tidy & clean, too. The eggplant & pepper vegan pizza sounds great. And the individual bowls of grain & honey blessed are beautiful!

Elizabethd said...

What a lovely orchid.
I think I would find not having any water for several hours would be difficult.

Lisa Richards said...

Glad you're enjoying your books. I think your house always looks pretty!

Lisa said...

That is a nice wish, Elizabeth - I wish you the same!