Sunday, March 10, 2019

And so it begins

Our day included no pictures, so will just describe it...
We had such a hard time getting up this morning
with the time change!
We got to liturgy and afterwards was forgiveness vespers.
I got to be by a newer person for whom it was their 
first time to do forgiveness vespers and it is really special.
Lunch afterwards was really nice.
We visited our friend Photini, she is doing so well!
She is hoping to leave her place of healing next weekend...
she is still not fully well but has made marked progress!
After this we went home and I have a very long nap!
Then dinner, cheese and crackers + Cesar salad
and later prayers and such.
I was able to get our little card table cleaned off and put away.
This week, as crazy as it is, I hope to finish addressing our 
Christmas letters.  So much has happened to delay this! 
Tomorrow the first Bridegroom Matins and the Bishop is going to come.
Tomorrow I hope to finish the cleaning of home
and make it to the Bridegroom Matins tomorrow.
May God bless and help us!


Cathy said...

I had pictures forming in my mind as I read your post.
You had a good day!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, your day sounds busy but delightful!

Lisa said...

I'm glad Photini is improving!