Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A day that ended with a deep beauty

 This book, a later novel of DE Stevenson's, was a true delight!
 Absorbing, diverse characters in a small English village, 
secrets, near disasters, and a sense of light and goodness 
at the heart of some of the people 
and a Mother from whom we can learn. 
One of the impressive aspects of DE Stevenson's 
novels is the breadth and diversity....
 she does not copy her work, 
each story has different characters who do different things,
 with choices and consequences as varied as the person's depicted. 
I remain a fan of her novels and hope that more will be republished. 
Ps: it is rare that she is so open with Christian characters....
 this novel is a gentle but strong reminder not to worry 
and I greatly appreciated it. A lovely book! 

I am on my way to walking as a habit! 
I am really trying to make some good changes...

Our priest did a class in the church talking about various aspects 
and at the end we got to go in the balcony! 
I was able to go out to eat with my friend who is 
now out of hospital and still recovering but can walk again... 
Tomorrow Mr Husband is working from home and we will
DV go to liturgy tomorrow night for Lent...
I am having fun studying church history and made a timeline
for my research and filled more of it in today...
It's really nice to be able to do! 
I pray that each of you is blessed and feel yourself
being protected and loved by God... 


Granny Marigold said...

I love the way the light shines in the first picture.
And your salad looks so good. That's what I had for my supper tonight, a big salad with seeds and cranberries on top. DH had some meat also.

Elizabethd said...

How lovely to hear that your friend is doing well.
I am trying to fit in 10 minutes walking when the Carers are here in the afternoon.

Martha said...

Such beautiful blue skies! I need to walk more, outside.

Lisa said...

I'm glad your friend is improving, but it's a long haul, isn't it?

Lisa Richards said...

The D.E. Stevenson book looks like a good one! The church is so beautiful! Glad your friend is getting better. I hope our snow and water will subside soon so I can get some walking in, too! God bless you and your hubby! :)

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

And blessings to you as well, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing the DE Stevenson novel; I shall look for it! I am glad to know your friend is recovering nicely.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, the weather has been so nice and one just can't help going for a walk. The church is absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing it all with us. xo