Monday, March 25, 2019

A day in NYC and a new thing to trust the Lord about

So I went to liturgy today for the Annunciation where the Mother of God says 'yes' 
that she will bear Christ.... 9 months from now is Christmas! 
I went to Michael's and Trader Joe's and then to my eye specialist.
I have really myopic eyes and I think I am in danger of possibly losing a lot of my vision
when I am older because of this; sadly, based on what he said and what I read from 
a reliable source... I am not exaggerating about this concern... 
 I will have some more high powered eye tests on costly machines
most likely in May.  I am trying not to be afraid of it; my Husband's Aunt has
lost a lot of her vision and she is an inspiration to me with her peace, love and faith in God.
I am still young and most likely will not have problems that are as drastic as losing my vision
now but I may have them later on... 
I found myself thinking that life is short and while I don't know, my sense is that
I may not be given as long a life as some - you know - 95 or 100 - so I am in my early
40s now, and the first 40+ years went quickly in many ways and I must 
learn not to be afraid or worry about it; I felt a lot of peace and a sense that God is really
taking care of me and that He will be with me in this. 
(A side note: I write pretty much all my computer stuff on my Chromebook
with a touch screen and always make it bigger to read things easily and that is such a blessing!)
Meanwhile, I got some nice vegan food to bring to our far-away church for meals,
had a delicious English Muffin with Peanut Butter at my favourite NYC diner,
my Husband is my best friend and God is with us.
Tomorrow I get to just be HOME and I am so excited!!! 
I am going to rest, try to catch up on laundry, other house things 
and just enjoy being home... and having some solitude! 
I have not had any in a week now!
I pray that whatever is going on in your world,
that you are trusting in Christ to help you
bear it and that you can live with and in His peace. 


Granny Marigold said...

A day at home to catch up with all the tasks that wait to be done is just what I also am planning for tomorrow.
I hope the tests in May will give you some concrete answers.

Tracy said...

My heart goes out to you in your worries, Elizabeth! I'm very myopic myself, and sometimes sight feels a very fragile thing as I age. Praying for you and your vision... I hope the test later in the spring may shed some extra light. God Bless you, my friend! ((HUGS))

shoreacres said...

Myopia, or near-sightedness, doesn't necessarily lead to blindness. I've been seriously myopic since 3rd grade, and eventually did get cataracts -- when I was 68! I got them removed,got new lenses implanted, and now have better than 20/20 vision. I have glaucoma, too, but eye drops have been keeping it well in check for nearly a decade. Trust God, but trust your eye doctor, too. They can do wonderful things these days.

elizabeth said...

G-M thanks so much! I hope to get answers too!
Tracy - thanks so much!!

Shoreacres - Yes, but I have myopic degeneration and it is getting worse + I am 42 and already have a cataract which is also growing and impacting my vision (halos around lights). Normally cataract surgery would repair vision but my eye specialist said that for me it may not improve my vision because of the other pathology. I have looked into this and if you google 'dry macular degeneration' you will see what I may be facing - the dry macular degeneration is not what I have but my specialist (who I trust highly) said that the end result may be the same. This is quite serious. I may have years of adequate vision but it may not last for my whole lifetime on earth... That's why we are doing more tests. I am trusting God - but sometimes trusting God means trusting Him to be with us when things, from our perspective, go wrong. Trusting God that He will comfort us in our distress, be with us in our weakness, protect us in our old age and in every tribulation. I hope to know more when I have the tests, which will most likely be in May. I am so thankful that I have a very good eye specialist and that I am in very good hands - of course ultimately I pray I am in the best and most safe hands of all: our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Elizabethd said...

So good that you have an eye specialist who cares, and is someone who will take time. Knowing my husband's loss of sight through glaucoma, I can only say that it took years to finally go, so I pray you too will have many years of sight.

elizabeth said...

ElizabethD, yes. Very much so, he is a wonderful doctor. I do hope I will have years yet. And I am hoping that I can do things to help a bit, eating better etc. ♡♡♡♡ I appreciate your words here very much! ♡

Becki said...

What a beautiful post, Elizabeth. Fully of faith and hope even with the eye concern you have. At nearly 60, I find myself giving thought (more than I want to) about how short is the life ahead of me. I could say more, but I think I will just say now that your sweet words really spoke to me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I will pray for you to find peace in the possibility of losing your sight. I too have vision problems - cataracts and very early onset of macular degeneration. When I start to become anxious about that, my mind recalls the hymn Be Thou My Vision. I am reminded that all I have (including my health) is in God's hands. We can rest in Him. xo

Lisa said...

It's not easy getting older, is it? And you are a young 'un! I have to get wisdom teeth pulled at my age, and dread it. I have a consultation Monday. I hope your eyes will surprise you and not give you trouble. :)

elizabeth said...

Becki - thanks so much, I really appreciate it. I often think about the shortness of life; it can put things in focus; it can, in someways, be a comfort for our sufferings will not last forever; it can encourage us to seek Christ first, something I constantly have to work on...

Mrs R - I really appreciated your words - thank you from my heart - I love that hymn and you have given me another way to cope with this and redirect myself from anxiety to trust in God; thank you. Yes, we will only be a peace when we rest in Him!

Lisa - Yeah, I am young but my body seems to keep forgetting that! :) I do hope the wisdom teeth being pulled will not be too bad; I can see why you would not be looking forward to it!