Sunday, May 26, 2019

That feeling when...

I am not sure what it is yet,
but I feel I think a type of sadness, 
a restlessness that does not want to settle down;
I often know something is off kilter because all I want
is "presents" and nothing helps,
treats, an unexpected lovely gift (a beautiful icon + tea from Romania,
and I LOVE Romania)... but that feeling of 'off' remains...
and of wanting to be busy...
it could be so many things
~missing the family we left in Atlanta (natural and we had so much fun!)
~the emotional impact my cousin Wes' cancer has on us/me
~my friend Photini suffering
~awareness of suffering in other people's lives who I care about
~a friend lost a little boy whose parents she is good friends with and the funeral was this week
~missing the kids in my life and the Munchkin, who we are going to celebrate his
11th birthday tomorrow DV!!! ... is going abroad again this summer to
be with his grandparents and at a really great camp... he loves it and we are so happy for him...
but I miss him of course (and more so obviously his Mom but it really is the best for him)... 
~being aware of time passing and of all of us aging and that with this
comes, most often, more challenges, esp in terms of health and energy... 
The good thing is that this feeling does not last forever and I will be a bit better in time...
it just takes time...
Well, I better get to bed so that I am ready for tomorrow's fun! 
God bless you all and help you in the place you find yourself in!


shoreacres said...

It tickles me to see you using the I Hate to Cook Book. I've used that for years -- decades, actually. The recipe in it for Overnight Macaroons,oddly enough, produces a cookie that seems to help with seasickness. I carried those cookies with me on sailing trips many a time!

Paula said...

I have no words of wisdom for you. But I'm sending love and prayers.

Elizabethd said...

The feeling you have is one of lethargy i think. I wonder if you are a bit overtired with all you have been doing lately? Exhaustion can really diminish one. Take care of yourself. xx

karen said...

sometimes life can be overwhelming and sadness does descend. I hope it's brief and happy days resume!

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your restless feeling will pass and you will feel more calmer and more at peace.

GretchenJoanna said...

Sadness, restlessness... to be endured. May God bless and lift you up in time. It's a little testing, an uncomfortable space, but you will get through with patience. Lord, have mercy!