Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Book Question

I read somewhere
I am certain
about a book that
has the daily Bible Readings for the year
with the Saints stories for each day.
I have found this Bible
and it would be most lovely to own;
on a recent podcast;
I really want the one with Saints Stories...
Not that I can buy it now but you know
someday I do hope to have a job!! :)
Anyone know what book this was?
wow, You all are wonderful!
Thank you for all the book suggestions;
I actually have the Calendar
and I know of the Prologue of Orchid
and it is wonderful to see that is online;
I don't think I knew that... so Thank you!
I have yet to read it so this is great news.
I thought I had seen a book
that had the Daily Bible Readings actually
printed in it along with a Saint story of the day
you know
an all-in-one Bible Reading and Saints Day Reading
kind of like a 1 year Bible for Orthodox
but it was the Daily Readings
plus Saint story and list of other Saints commemorated;
perhaps it is just laziness on my part
but I would love to have the readings for the year
(of course some of them would be moving
since Lent and Pascha always move)
set out in one book along with a Saints Story.
I thought I saw such a book, but
have not seen it since
so I am not 100% sure.
And to be honest I don't quite understand how the Daily Bible Readings
in the Orthodox calendar work
though I have been trying to read them faithfully for a few years,
so it could be that I misunderstood the book I thought I saw
and am now looking for.
Someday I would like to own the
The Synaxarion
in hard cover but that can be a bit pricey.
The calendar that Mimi so kindly showed me a link for
My Godmother gave me one for my first Christmas as an
Orthodox Christian
and while I have not kept up with buying them
(job etc)
I use my old ones and really find it to be a very integral part of my
prayer life.
So if you are looking for a place to start with Saint stories
I do recommend this calendar to you,
it is new calendar and lists the Bible readings for the day
and if it is a fast day or not,
according to the Greek Orthodox church.
(I currently go to an old calendar church but have been on both calendars
and it is easy to use on either
esp. if you have a yearly calendar from your church to show you which
main Saint's day it is.)
I hope this explains more of what book I thought I saw
and what I am looking for.
You're all great and I love hearing your comments!
Any other suggestions or books that you think
may be good for me to know about either
the Orthodox Bible Readings
or Saint Stories
are fully welcome!


Michelle M. said...

I'd like to know, too!

Mimi said...

The Bible and the Holy Fathers for Orthodox by Johanna Manley

The Prologue of Ohrid

Also, my parish sells a spiral bound book each year with the readings and a saint's life. I have a couple from a few years ago.

Mimi said...

Heh. I'm sorry, I didn't go to your link first. Clearly, my first recommendation isn't correct.

I think the Prologue is what you are looking for.

Michelle M. said...

You can read the Prologue of Ohrid online for free.

Michelle M. said...

Mimi- I wish our parish made a spiral bound notebook. Is this something that could be purchased somewhere?

Mimi said...

It's not put out by our parish, just available in our parish bookstore.

Here you go, I found it:

Mimi said...

Oh, and 2010's is on sale:

Matushka Anna said...

(1) If you find it, I want one too!

(2) As far as the Orthodox cycle of readings, I will confess that I just (daily) read a chapter from the OT, a chapter from a Gospel and a chapter from the NT. I started with Genesis 1, Matthew 1 and Acts 1 and went from there. Lots less confusing and I don't feel overwhelmed if I miss a day for some reason. This isn't for everyone, by the way, and kudos to those who can do the official readings!