My sister brought me her phone,
since I accidentally fried mine.
These have been in the family for years.
My sister brought me her phone,
since I accidentally fried mine.
These have been in the family for years.
I went to church this morning;
I went away feeling
encouraged and loved.
I was reminded to
live in the present and do what I have to do then.
Do not worry about the future;
I am not there yet.
I went out at lunch time
to pick up library books,
and bought a used copy of a Harry Potter book in French.
I saw this sign and just had to share.
I take a French placement test
next week, which will show me as a Beginner
for the part-time French class
I hope to take (DV) in September.
I finished reading The Brothers Karamazov.
I found parts of it hard going;
but it was worth it.
I am eating my vegetable soup faithfully.
Need some new recipe ideas however;
will be looking through my cookbooks.
I have a list on my fridge of things to do this week.
I made a vegetable soup.
I have salad, eggs and yogurt
(all dietitian recommended).
I went to a potluck last night.
I am thankful that I have many people
who care.
I felt very listened too this weekend;
I am blessed.
Someone is playing opera loud
and it is lovely.
The weather is cool right now,
but I hear rumours of another heat wave.
Liturgy was lovely this morning.
My priest has white vestments with hand embroidered
grapes on them.
It is one of my favourite of his vestments,
the whole day was beautiful,
starting with vespers last night.
Seeing the sunlight in the altar, with incense;
hearing the Troparion for the feast;
the blessing of wine, wheat and oil;
being anointed with gladness;
eating the bread with wine;
liturgy today;
church family;
the blessing of fruit...
Life has detours and unexpected things....
Saturday we had a wonderful brunch.
I had ordered bread from the bakery the night before -
a multi-grain walnut raisin bread.
I had been saving my extra special jam
from good friends for a few years
and shared it with my sister and brother in law.
We also had a special piece of chocolate
that is from the Lavra in Kiev.
We walked around the grounds of the Governor General's house.
The sun was really hot and
my favourite part was seeing the trees
and spending time with my sister and brother in law.
I really like St. Teresa.
She is so beautiful and I love this picture.
I need to do some serious relaxing.
Still feeling under 100%
(maybe 75% with slight moaning)
I applied for another job today. Whew.
And hey, I won a necklace today.
What could be better?
(Okay I can think of something, but am going enjoy what I have instead).
I couldn't resist posting these pictures!
She's my little cute cat,
who likes to look at my innocently,
as if she can do no wrong.
For a cat she is pretty good,
but I have to tell her daily to not go on the kitchen table!
I had fun taking pictures last night.
I loved the Church Picnic.
This (above) shot was taken when I was on a
paddle boat ride.
Everything seemed so beautiful; it is one of those magical times
that you know is a gift from God.
God blessed our picnic deeply.
My spiritual father reminded us that today (old calendar)
is St. Seraphim of Sarov's day.
The weather was sunny, cool in the shade
the lake nice and warm.
I never want days like this to end.