Sunday, July 19, 2009

Seeking Thankfulness

I have been learning to take more walks;

I take pictures along the way.

Stepping into the edges of flowerbeds

and big flower pots,

favoured by apartment buildings.

This is a view from nearby to my apartment building.
I believe it is these bells I hear at 4 pm;
they ring beautifully.
I wish, however, that Church Bells
would ring in the times and the days.
However, I am thankful for where I live
and for what I can receive in these moments, in this summer.
Things progress slowly,
or what feels slowly. But things are progressing.
I feel like this is a summer of healing for me.
This past year was full of challenges -
breaking my foot last summer
and a difficult job experience.
I am beginning to see more of the good
in this past year however,
and in my life.
God is so merciful to us;
my spiritual father continues to tell us,
again and again in Church,
of how gentle God is.
How spiritual healing comes from God when we are open to it.
I pray that we may live in God's mercy
and be thankful in God's goodness
and gentleness.


E Helena E said...

You are articulating what I've also thought of the silence of church bells in our culture.
Glad that this is a summer of healing for you. Walking is therapeutic also.
Spiritual healing foremost. I was struck by Father's words on how God only gives us what we are able to receive.

elizabeth said...

Thank you E-H. Yes, it is a good summer, but hard as life is a challenge!

Yes. And Father also showed this as a promise, that God's gentleness will allow only what we can receive, so to not overpower us.

My Grandmother reminds me that God promised only to give us strength for this day...