Monday, December 30, 2013

The Making of Chai Tea

When I saw this recipe posted here
I knew I wanted to try it!

I got some spices for it at a local store
and ordered the rest through amazon.

I used Rooibos tea for my first batch of 8 half pint
jars of tea.
They smelled wonderfully as they baked!

I used my mortar and pestle to crust the spices gently... 
Mixed the spices with the tea and candied ginger...
labeled them and they were ready to go!
An easy gift idea that took about 1.5 hours to assemble, bake and prepare!


Lisa said...

You are definitely a hard worker in the kitchen, Elizabeth. I've been thinking of making my own chai, too. Why buy the packets? (but first I have to use up my chai packets!)

Martha said...

That's a great idea! ♥ I think I may copy you. I love chai tea.