Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What a green scarf says


This scarf is wide, long and warm.
The width elicits surprise yet
it was made with certain deliberation.

It is for one that is tall
and lives where snow falls
and wind blows during 
long days.

A scarf that is warm,
able to wrap long around
neck, face, keeping cold out.

Long, thick, wide ~ echoing 
my wish for you to be covered,
safe, warm, protected, saved.

Green for beauty, 
for the hope of Spring to come again,
for sunshine. 
Green brown for tree trunks beauty,
the fading leaf with the promise
of more to come again;
brown for good clean dirt for planting,
for trees and peonies.

This scarf has the words
I love you
knitted in it over, and over, and over.

It is of trees, flowers, warmth and reminders of spring 
in the midst of a cold, long winter.

Ravelry here.

Still reading Everyday Saints and loving every word.


Reinventing Mother said...

What beautiful words!

Unknown said...

Sounds like the perfect scarf.

Lisa said...

knitting poetry...wounds like your scarf has a wonderful future ahead. :)

momto5 said...

nothing beats a scarf knitted with love. <3

willfulmina said...

Gorgeous--the poetry and the garter stitch!

house full of jays said...

Knitting with beautiful love and intention - that is a gift in itself. :)

karen said...

you have a talent for weaving words and knitting wool :)

Shirley Ann said...

What a lovely Yarn Along post!

Unknown said...

beautiful words for a beautiful hand knit!!

Sarah said...

I love the poetry of your words! They would be perfect printed up and sent along with with the scarf! Gorgeous yarn as well, I love deep greens.

elizabeth said...

Thanks Sarah ~ I am hoping to do exactly that!

Thanks everyone for your kind and encouraging words! I feel really blessed, thank you!

PKJ said...

The poem and the scarf are both so lovely.