Saturday, April 11, 2020

Things I am thankful for

Thanksgiving list for today! 

1. My valiant ever resourceful husband found TP on amazon, ordered it for us as a gift so that it was put in a second box and thus not screaming 'I am TP' and it was successfully delivered. Our last box we ordered went 'missing' on the truck before it was even delivered... it had not been boxed over and screamed TP.... 

2. Online streaming of services is a real blessing in this time of needing to stay home. 

3. The Lazarus Saturday liturgy at Holy Transfiguration Monastery included the tonsuring of a new nun and we got to watch! that was super special and made the day one of extra rejoicing! 

4. I conquered Mount Laundry once again. 

5. Dishwasher is washing dishes and my dry is drying towels. 

6. My kitchen counters are clean. 

7. Vinegar and baking soda for a fry pan (a metal one) that has bits stuck on + boiling water. I covered it with the lid and it is like it has it's own special cleansing steam bath  I think it will work well. I love how inexpensive things can be good and non-toxic cleaners  

8. My beloved had a sudden allergy flare-up and I found Benadryl at my new local corner store (which has thick clear plastic shower curtains surrounding the till area!) and he is feeling much better. I always feel like I am succeeding as a wife if I can get what my Husband needs when he needs it. This is also why I love my pantry well stocked so I have what is needed. Except I did not know we were out of Benadryl. But now we have a whole box and are good.   (And I bought a loaf of bread
as I need things to be super easy for how busy Holy Week will be!)

9. Tomorrow for much of the world is Easter Sunday (our Easter/Pascha is next Sunday) and the BEST news of all is that Christ Is Risen!!! 


Granny Marigold said...

What a good idea to have the TP put into another box so it wouldn't be identified as TP and get stolen. I just cannot understand why people have focused on TP as something to hoard.
A well stocked pantry is such a blessing. Keep well.

Paula said...

Lucky you! I can't wait to see flowers. Today was very wet and grey.