Friday, November 15, 2019

(82) A quiet Friday

Mr Husband worked from home;
had meetings all morning after breakfast;
I baked Koek and was happy...
two big loaves, 3 small, one small for us, the other 4 for the freezer... 
We took a walk in late afternoon...
I ended up needing a nap after lunch and then worked on 
another Romania blog post....
dinner was the last of the roasted vegetables and a spinach salad...
am enjoying lots of hot tea and kombucha... 
our friend C. who is now in the police force dropped by for a 
quick minute and it was so nice to see her...
and that was today...
I thank God for this day...


Granny Marigold said...

Your loaves look good! When I was growing up in my Low German home we called cookies koekjes ( spelling is mine and may be wrong). So a cookie was a 'koek'. There are so many similarities between Dutch and Low German I find.

elizabeth said...

Granny Marigold: Thanks! Oh that's neat!! Yes, I think there are many similarities in language between Dutch and Low German (and German in general I think!) :) Koek is such a wonderful bread for enjoyment - it is one of my all time favourites!

karen said...

I love when my husband works from home, he gets so much more done than in his office. Also Holly the cat loves his company since he is her favorite human :)