Sunday, November 10, 2019

(77) briefly...

It was great being in church again this morning.
So nice to be with church family!
I am still going to bed much earlier due to jet lag 
and don't have the same time I had before to blog.
I am working on my day 3 Romania trip report 
but can't finish it (or even beginning writing it) tonight.
I am so grateful for everything that is good in my life
and for my life here and with my Husband.
I am still easing into everything since returning from
our trip and am thankful to God for His mercy!


Granny Marigold said...

Just take the time that you need to recuperate from your trip.
I'm sure you must have missed your church.

Elizabethd said...

Take life slowly Elizabeth.

Becki said...

That picture of the candles (I'm not sure what to call them) is beautiful. What a lovely angle to shoot them from, Elizabeth. Rest up and enjoy your reminiscing about your wonderful trip.