Friday, September 28, 2018

Made it another week

Well, whew! made it through another week!
Today I folded laundry, did dishes, 
got 3 deliveries (including the new end table for my Husband!),
and finished re-reading Madeleine L'Engle's Certain Women.
I am not sure what drew me to read it again; 
NYC, Theatre, the 1950s-1960s; interesting that she placed it so much in the past,
as it was written in 1992.
It's funny how some decades of one's life one returns to....
I am glad I read it though; esp for the phrase friend of the heart
for friendship of deep kinds that one can have with another, 
like I have with my sister-friend.
I don't know what I would do without books.
Though I know that there is more to life and to prayer... 
I talked with my Mother, my Grandmother, and texted with my sister
and also my sister-friend.  
When my Husband was back from NYC, it was a delight to see him.
I managed to get the counter and the island clean.
This week had 3 fast days in a row (Wed-Friday) because of the 
Feast of the Cross being on Thursday.
So tomorrow having tea with milk will feel like an extra treat!
Another treat was that today a card and a letter came in the mail,
such a blessing.
I hope to get back to writing cards and letters again soon;
I wrote one last night and hope for more done soon.
My parents DV come on Tuesday!
I am slowly getting small details finished in things,
from putting away bags,
housework done and thinking about 
what I hope to find at this October's VNA rummage sale.
My parents DV will be with us again and I have a list
of things I am looking for, including some things
for dinner parties that are move involved... 
luncheon/salad plates are one of these 
and will be perfect for various uses.
Our unbloggable worry has had me in some transition that
I am feeling overall better about
in terms of dealing with the actual change, but I find that
I still struggle with feelings of anxiety, even though 
I have dealt with harder things in the past than what we are 
dealing with, as hard as it is now.
Anyway, all I know is that I have a long way to go spiritually 
but I still have hope of arriving.
Meanwhile, I am really appreciating that I am 
getting our home in both better order and also
with more beauty and added functionality that 
adds to the beauty of our home.


Nancy said...

Your home is so warm and inviting!

GretchenJoanna said...

Your love and enjoyment of your home remind me of this quote by Chesterton:

"It is the main earthly business of a human being to make his home, and the immediate surroundings of his home, as symbolic and significant to his own imagination as he can."

It is such a gift, that God gives us, to have homes that we can make homey!

Becki said...

Looking at the third picture I wondered, "What is that fur she has draped on the chair?" I had to look closer to see it's Cleo! I've seen her in many pictures, but for some reason I didn't recognize her in this one. lol

You've a beautiful, inviting home, Elizabeth.

elizabeth said...

thanks so much Nancy!!!

G-J: Oh what a lovely quotation!!! I love GK Chesterton!!! Making my home cozy, beautiful and welcoming is my goal!!!

Becki, yep, Cleo again! :) Thanks for your kind words about my home! I love my home and making it more and more beautiful!