Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday - Step Three - with a prayer request

First the prayer request.

For baby Lucia -

Kh. Ramia blogged today about how Lucia

continues to struggle -

it sounds like baby Lucia is fighting for her life.

Please continue to pray for them and

drop her a blog comment of encouragement.

I can't imagine how incredibly hard it is to watch one's

infant daughter go through such sickness.

I thank the Lord that we can pray

and continue to entrust Lucia to be in God's hands.

I finally heard back from the September

all day interview that I had

and that you all prayed so much for me for.

I did not get the job

as someone else had more experience.

But I was told very positively that I did a great interview

and that my presentation was impressive.

So this is great feedback and

is encouraging as I prepare for my next interview.

I had a good meeting with my job consultant
(free service from the Ontario government)
to best 'triage' my current life.
Interview preparation, job applications and possible
additional training are all being looked into right now.
The best thing is that I have met someone
who I feel really encourages me as a professional as
I deal with my current job search and life situation.
This is a real blessing.
The insomnia is still ongoing,
and is in part a side-effect of the medication I am on
to take care of the face-rash issue.
I continue to heal;
now it looks more like flat fading burnt marks
which let me tell you is much better than what it looked like
last week.
So I am here safe with God
seeking to pray for Lucia
continue to do my job search
regardless of situation and current exhaustion.
God is good to us.
I am more and more convinced that everything He allows in our life
is for our benefit and can be used for our salvation.
Being thankful for everything in life
can not only save us in the long run
but can make difficult situations
a source of understanding that
one is loved and is in the hands of God.
How much we have to be thankful for.


Pres. Kathy said...

We are praying for Lucia. Prayer is so powerful. Sometimes people underestimate it. I am glad to hear that you have found someone to help you in your job search. That is always encouraging to have someone on your side. I hope you have a good rest of the day! :-)

The Bosom Serpent said...

Last Friday I went for a job interview but did not get the position because they only needed folks who could work full time. Just today while at work at my new job an old co-worker from my previous job approached me and asked if I was interested in working part time. He told me to complete an application and make to make sure it was delivered to him. This would mean going back into law enforcement. It is an exciting yet daunting prospect.

I say all this not to offend you but to remind you that hope never dies and that just when things seem bleakest things change for the better. As you know I went for almost two years and couldn't scare up a job to save my soul and now the work is coming to me.

You are in my prayers and I know God will provide. Lucia and her family are also in our prayers. What a heart breaking story and what a brave mother to share so much of her family's tragedy and triumph.