Monday, November 01, 2010

Four books and some great links

On this November Day

I went out to do an errand and on the way found

a book sale with really good prices.

So I got these four books!


pictured above,

And Mrs Carter Wore Pink

which is beautifully illustrated

and I think I am going to find a nice quiet solace

of a book in it.

I had one of these books when I was a kid -

the one I had was on Louis Pasteur

and had the theme of 'you can do it';

I loved that book so much that I asked my

long-suffering Mom to read it to me over and over;

so much that I told my Preschool Teacher about the boy in the book

who was bit by the rabid dog

and the next time she saw my Mom she asked about

how that poor neighbour boy was doing

and it took a minute for my Mom to realize I was telling the teacher

about the book!

I love Olivia!
Can you believe I got this book,
with dust jacket intact
for only 1.00!
All 4 books were 1 dollar each so not bad for 4.00.
So something very good in the day
even if I did not get those two jobs,
Also wanted to be sure to share some cool links with you that
I have enjoyed of late,
just in case you did not see them...
A new post by Fr. Stephen on suffering and the 1-storey universe
...if you have not read Fr. Stephen's writing on how we
in the West have lived like we live in a 2 storey universe
when really it is a 1 storey universe,
Fr. Gabriel Bunge who wrote the lovely book on
Rublev's Trinity
I encourage you to read the link; it is beautiful.
and how she saved a man when the Theotokos asked her to;
it is a sweet and comforting.


Anonymous said...

I have the Louis Pasteur book! I've had it since I was a kid and now read it to my kids. My Eldest used to call him "Louis Pasta." :)

Anonymous said...
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elizabeth said...

Nice! Yep, it's a great one!!! My Mom still has our copy, or maybe I do, but it is still in Michigan...

RW said...

me too.
I had the Louis Pasteur book. I think that was the first one in the series... and then you could cancel the book order. I am pretty sure my mum canceled.

so you know for sure you did not get the positions. did they give you some feedback?

Beth said...

I love that you found these books and even funnier is the fact that I picked up the Louis Pasteur book at a Goodwill a couple years ago and this morning Thomas had my mother reading from it. It is a great book and now that I know it is part of series I will try to find the others. Peace and blessings to you.

elizabeth said...

RW - ah, we only had that book too, that explains part of it...

no, I have not gotten feedback from them but I have heard that often they are unreliable and don't give feedback; I will email again the end of this week...

Beth - how neat! they are great books! quite something that Thomas just had your Mom reading it to him!