Thursday, September 28, 2017

And almost through the week...

I had another meeting in NYC today.
This was such a busy week.
I got a nice meal.  Will enjoy more of it on Saturday...
with Mr Husband DV... 
I will say something for the learning pile...
I find that when I have gone through a certain type of hard 
and then it comes again, though in different circumstances, 
which is good, it's still hard.  
it still triggers my anxiety.
I have a lot more tools to deal with it but 
hard is hard.
So many I know are suffering through things.
Like super HARD things.
Well, I better go make tea. 
I have been procrastinating on dinner (eating it that is).
Tomorrow is PT and I hope to get our house cleaned up.
I polished the new to us silver-plate spoons (many of the tiny ones
are being saved for future presents) and am doing a bit of laundry...
Speaking of tea, had a cup of chai tea and then Earl Grey 
this morning, with milk, and it was so enjoyable.
Soon I have basically 2 weeks at-home vacation:
first parents come for a week (we hope to go to the 
twice-annual VNA sale too!)
and then Mr Husband and I *finally* will have our
staycation, loooonggg over due... 
Any prayers for wisdom and help regarding 
the unbloggable HARD welcome.
And if I can say a prayer for you and light a candle,
please say so in the comments :) 
Oh, almost forgot:
My newest found today listening selection....


Tracy said...

Hard is always hard, isn't it? Like you say, we gain extra tools along the way and with each hard...but hard is still hard! Praying for you as you work and pray through the hard. VERY excited for your about your parents visiting soon, and your much anticipated staycation--hooray! In the midst of the hard, think--blessings coming soon! ;) That is a HUGE steak meal... it looks delicious! Be taking good care there, and rest after the busy week. With LOVE, In Christ ((HUGS))

Helensmum said...

Yes,going through what seems like unsurmountable hard here,but know I'm strong and loved. I certainly will continue prayers for you and would welcome the same at your end.

Warm wishes,
Ann Marie

elizabeth said...

Thanks Tracy!!! yes, the diners give HUGE portions, often enough for us to have 3 or 4 meals from! thanks for your prayers!!! Praying for you too!

Ann Marie ~ thanks. Yes. Will light a candle for you!!!

Paula said...

Love those spoons. It's so much fun to go antique hunting.

Things are good here, but my dear, dear friend is going through unbelievable HARD right now. In this last month she's lost her uncle, mom and step son (he was 32). She's 3 hours away and I feel so helpless.

I sure hope you have a great time with your parents and your staycation. You need the break.

Lisa Richards said...

Thank you for praying for my hard situation. I will be praying for you as well. Enjoy your parents and time of relaxation with DH!