Monday, April 17, 2017

Pascha, the night after

The whole day of Pascha is so special.
We left church shortly after Agape vespers, getting so little sleep the night before,
and had fallen asleep early that night, before our usual bedtime;
I roused myself to put out the candles and such
and seeing the lampada in the dining room,
everything felt so clean, so deeply right and peaceful,
as if heaven was opened up that day
and was with us in a deep way
and truly that is what it was like;
Pascha is so special,
I had forgotten how sometimes Pascha can be extra
special, as every year is different, and I realized that I 
have felt the same on Pascha / Sunday night, I think that first Pascha in NJ when
we are back at home and I feel so connected to our churches,
including my church in Ottawa and all is together
and all is so divinely peaceful...
Truly, it is like Heaven has opened for 24 hours and we are 
lifted up beyond our life of worldly cares and sorrows,
with the promise of Pascha eternally in the life to come. 


Tracy said...

So very glad your Pascha celebrations was wonderful, Elizabeth... and some lovely reflections shared! I feel much the same way about Pascha/evening. The Joy of Pascha during the day is so bright, and come evening--after all the blessings, celebrating, feasting and visiting--it is like coming down from Heaven, after having been in the greatest place for a little while. The thing after Pascha is to carry that heavenly feeling into Bright Week and beyond. I've been thinking about that today, praying with it, and how I can carry Pascha closer in my heart and in my life all year long. God Bless you! :) ((HUGS))

Lilly's Mom said...

Christ is Risen! I am so happy for you that you and your husband that the Lord restored your health and you were able to celebrate pascha and enjoy this blessed holiday. I remember the saying that the church is like heaven on earth and I know you feel the same. May the Lord continue to bless you dear friend, Pat

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Thank you for sharing your Pascha with us in these recent posts. I echo your thoughts and sentiments and can say that during this, my third Pascha as an Orthodox Christian, it becomes deeper and more meaningful than ever. There is no end to the wonders and beauty, joy and peace, light and love - and so much more to look forward to. All prayers for you both and hugs too.

Lisa said...

Yes, and I think the tougher Lent is, the more real Easter seems.

GretchenJoanna said...

Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen! I was wondering if this year I would have to miss Pascha because of my cough, but I was well enough in the end to be there. Glory to God! It felt like an extra special gift because of that uncertainty.

Thank you for sharing this experience. Truly, after we have waited so long and hard, it is a most blessed and heavenly event!