Thursday, November 07, 2013

Well, the savings will be even greater...

I did my weekly grocery shopping.
Can you believe I was almost out of 
So what did I see but 
4 oz of Vanilla extract for 11.00.
(11 is really what 10.99 means).
Prices around here are quite high.
Making my own vanilla just got even more 
of a savings than what I was 
originally thinking!
Two 750 cheap bottles of vodka for vanilla beans 
have been bought.
My Amazon order of vanilla beans is ordered &
still waiting to be shipped.
I told people at the check out that I was 
getting the cheapest vodka they had in the store,
i.e. the ones on the bottom shelf and the cheapest of those,
to make vanilla;
My calculations on the savings via Google Chrome
(did you know you can just type math in and it will give you the result?)
shows me that for the vodka and vanilla beans
I will save, at the price at my local store, way over half price.
I hope to gift some of this,
which adds to the cost 
(buying bottles, labels) but even if vanilla in the store
cost only 5.00 / 4 oz I should do better than 
breaking even in terms of gifts.
At the prices around here,
I am still saving over 50% even gifting them!
Thanks Rebekah and Katherine for the inspiration! 


Anonymous said...

Wow, I use a lot less vanilla beans than that. I cut open about 5 per bottle. Right now I'm trying the beans in a bottle of bourbon. Haven't tried it yet. I love making homemade vanilla, no chemicals. Do you have Bulk Barn in the States? That's where I get my vanilla beans.


Lisa said...

Yes, a co-worker of mine makes it, and she's been supplying me with it. Otherwise, I'd try it myself. But I wouldn't have thought of Amazon as a supplier!

Martha said...

Trader Joe's has pure bourbon vanilla extract for $4.99 for a 4oz bottle. I sure would like to try making my own though! I look forward to hearing how yours goes...

rebekah said...

Yay! I hope it goes well!

Lisa said...

Homemade vanilla extract is the best! We've been making our own for a few years now -- we use some, gift some, and sell some! It pays for itself which is an added bonus! :)