Saturday, March 28, 2020

Just Popping in to say 'Hi' and show you a very cozy scene

I moved my beautiful hurricane lamp over to our
vintage sewing machine
and I took this picture while sitting at my writing desk.
Just checking in here to say we are fine.
I admit I had the case of being Mrs Grumpis Dumpis this morning
(grumpy and down in the dumps) but by lunch we were setting up video chats
with two friends and I got much better.
And we went on a walk.
And listening and watched vespers
from Ottawa and then I caught up on some emails while listening to 
the services at Ellwood City Chapel  which is the services of 
Holy Transfiguration Monastery that Mother Alexandra founded...
Well.  I am trying to keep a list of what I hope to do in a day
in my planner, things like 
*make fruit salad
*fold laundry (did not happen today)
*make lunch
*email __ back 
and if I keep it simple I manage to at least get some of it done.
I know this is a hard time for us all.
I read a great letter today that mentioned
the mental struggle many are having and gave instructions to NOT check 
the news RE: the Virus for more than 15 minutes A DAY.
I think this is really REALLY good advice.
It won't help us and if you get sick with anxiety it won't help
you function.
So do yourself a favour and LIMIT yourself on this
and FILL yourself up instead with things that give
your soul hope, peace, light and point you to God.
As my friend Photini, who you may remember was so sick a year ago,
said to me on video chat: 
we must remember that this is temporary and that
we must keep our minds on God and in His Peace.
and with that gentle and I hope loving advice,
I wish you and leave you, greet you with,
the Peace of Christ. 

1 comment:

Granny Marigold said...

Photini's words make a lot of sense. And not watching a lot of the news also makes sense. It gets too depressing. Take care and stay well.