Saturday, November 17, 2018

How do I even describe the last 2 days?

These last days, busy and in need of a good nap. 
I was struggling. 
Better now.
We finally got a 'dummy' light switch so that I could have the delft double light switch
put up and it got broken in the process.
Super bummer and I was over tired and was so SAD about it but am better now
and trying to find an intact replacement, while accepting the one that is up
though cracked.... 
I have emailed three possible places for these, knowing that most places are
out of stock with them.
We went to a toy soldier show but it was small and I was tired and so
I read and napped in the car....
We finished listening to the Hobbit and the Silmarillion my beloved Husband 
just found on Audible and it will be DV a future listen for us!
I love it and wore it to church tonight already! 
It was a blessing to go to vespers.
We went out to eat afterwards.
So the wonderful shortbread, caramel and chocolate bites did not work as well
as I was hoping..... but hopefully not disliked by those I will give them too,
well wrapped to prevent sticky situations, literally!
I already have a plan for doing this again DV ...
Here's the plan:
I will use caramel and evaporated milk melted, only half as much as I use in turtle bars (1 bag only of caramels) bake the shortbread in a 9x13 glass pan and use the same amount of chocolate or a bit more, i.e at least 250g. My Husband saved the day on these by suggesting that I put them in the refrigerator so that they could better solidify. The first bit I had out broke in ways that made these pictures look nearly impressive. 
However, I am wondering if I should just melt the caramel and forget the 
evaporated I think this keeps it a bit less solidified. 
I better go to bed.
We are staying local tomorrow for church.
I have to go to NYC on Monday.
My house is a mess.
I have 6 coming for Thanksgiving Thursday.
Thank Goodness that most of the food is coming already prepared.
Here's what I have to do:
Monday - NYC  for much of the day + possible cleaning
Tuesday - clean, clean, clean + set up table, put away sewing table
Wednesday - clean, make yam + cranberry dish, set up 2 tables with full table settings etc.
Thursday - get the meal delivered and heat up everything and have Thanksgiving
dinner in early afternoon with friends!


Elizabethd said...

It sounds as though you have had a mixed sort of day, some good some not so good. The Delft is so pretty and I didnt notice a break.
I hope things improve, you will be so busy getting ready for Thanksgiving, so take time to have a pause and a rest too.

karen said...

love your shawl pin and I knew it was Ginny's Johnny who did it :) You look lovely!

Becki said...

Those ooey gooey chocolate caramel shortbread bites look delicious. I didn't know they didn't turn out perfectly except for your explanation. I hope you have a good week getting ready for Thanksgiving!

Martha said...

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with friends! Sounds like you're having a big group!!