Friday, August 11, 2017

New Boot

It's so much better.
I still walk "like an injured person" as someone 
accurately said, but at least I have a better fit.
I've had a inward struggle the last days.
Nothing to blog about really,
just the things that thrown at you.
I as in a lot of pain in the middle of the night
and was really comforted by friends via social media
who prayed for me.
I had made my favourite lamb dish, baked some 
more strawberry cake and had a bath 
and was basically walking on and off for a long time,
my ankle swelled up and I had more pain.
I am still learning,
as I had thought that I had to walk through the pain as
my muscles need to be worked.
So more balance needed.
I am beginning to see this as one of my most hard years since
that hard year of job loss and sickness, 7 or so years ago.
Well, nothing can be done except go through it
until we find ourselves on the other side of it.


shoreacres said...

After even a completely healthy person works for a while, rest is needed! How much more so for your foot, then. Tkae it easy, and pamper it a bit. You'll soon find you're well past this stage, and hardly thinking about it.

GretchenJoanna said...

One day, even one hour, at a time, Dear Elizabeth. Slow and steady wins the race!

Angie said...

It's definitely a big trial for you.But one you are equipped to go through successfully .I will pray for strength and wisdom that will stay with you when the pain is over!

karen said...

praying for you Elizabeth, it's difficult to be challenged physically and it can bring you down. You are making great strides and focus on that. Onward and upward.