Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Yarn Along ~ Simple knit and a profound read

Doing some cream coloured wash clothes.
As I transition slowly but quickly into fall
(funny how transitions are!)
I have a lot of things that need tending...
so simple wash clothes is my go to knit for now!
I have begun the article in the latest Road to Emmaus:

I began the longer essay
A Feeling for Beauty: The Aesthetic Ground
of Orthodox Ethics 
when we were newly living in this home, before
my three weeks of kids-in-the-house
and then we had my wonderful visit of my parents-in-law and then
PEI and then Ottawa...
Meanwhile Mr. Husband was overseas for business and took
the journal with him and read this essay and began re-reading it,
he, like I, found it so very good.
It's astounding actually.
So good that we are thinking of getting extra copies
to share...
What are you reading and creating?
Yarn along with us!


Reinventing Mother said...

Washcloths are always great knitting!

Paula said...

I need to make some face cloths too. Folded a basket of towels and had to throw out a bunch of store bought face cloths.

Christine N said...

I've heard of that book before. It sounds really good. Thank you for the recommendation!

karen said...

simple soothing knits are a must in any time of the day, love yours! the read looks interesting :)