Tuesday, August 12, 2014

{around the house}: pantry

The pantry is perhaps one of the 
hardest places to photograph.
It is wonderful in how it holds so much and 
with being able to see what it is.
The pantry makes me think of Autumn and all
the cooler days that I hope to resume more baking in.
There are still bread recipes I have not done,
soups I want to make, cakes, pies and may
wonderful things with apples...


Reinventing Mother said...

That is truly a lovely space!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

You have a real pantry - how WONDERFUL! And what a blessing!

Rosemary said...

Oh, I love pantries! Yours is beautiful!

Paula said...

ooh, lucky you! A pantry! I've got pantry stuff all over this old house. If it can freeze (cake pans and flour and sugar) go in the summer kitchen (no insulation). Some in the cellar and some in the kitchen cupboards. To have everything in one spot (or even just one room) would be lovely.