Friday, January 24, 2014

The beauty of today and the hope we have

I am still wishing at times to burn more than one candle!
It is wonderful to be back home.
Yesterday was a busy day of 
unpacking, laundry and the like.
Today is slower, with Mr. Husband working at home...

how I keep my icon lamps burning bright over night.
By God's mercy at times my lampadas can burn 
for a few days.
I merely keep oil in them and top them up throughout the day.

The wicks often dim over the days that they are burning,
when topped with oil frequently
(I would say I do them 4-5x day).

This is how they look at present today,
they were relit last night.
See here to see how I use my wicks for these lampadas.
It is a fasting Friday 
and we had a simple lunch of toast with peanut butter,
nuts, salad and bananas.

I got our coconut milk out but when I realized we had not opened it yet,
we agreed to just save it for Great Lent.

I used my Grandmother's everyday dishes for plates
as all our everyday dishes are in the dishwasher!
Had an interesting discussion on tea on FB ~
based on this article.
About pesticides and tea.
It seems that Ginny uses Mountian Rose Organics and they also have 
On another, more serious topic...
I often think of the phrase,
no matter how deep the pit, Christ's love is deeper still
based on the understanding that Christ 
harrowed hell and broke hell's gates.

When searching for this idea I found these quotations by 
Corrie TenBoom:

“There is no panic in Heaven! God has no problems, only plans.”
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
“There is no pit so deep, but God is deeper Still.”
Right now my life is fairly stable, 
Thank God,
but I have lived enough to know that 
life has some real challenges for us.
In all things, Christ is with us.


Michelle M. said...

I love seeing the photos of your daily life. You put so much effort into making things beautiful- I really appreciate that.

Lisa said...

Oh that article about tea - how disappointing!

Apseed said...

I also like your posts and photos from your daily life. It's always so inspiring!