Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The difference

I was in a coffee shop and saw someone crying.
This always makes me wish to comfort the tearful one.
It also led me to crystallize the difference:
everyone in this life has struggles and grief, but Christians
have someone to cry to.

Picture from monastery a bit after Christmas.

My small icon of the Mother of God travels with me;

the holy oil is from Romania, as is the icon of Christ;

both were given to me as gifts from dear family and friends.

We are so blessed to have the prayers of our heavenly Mother.


Janelle thegeekywife said...

I must say that that is one beautiful icon of Christ. I like the ones with more cheerful colors!

MERCI for it. (To help you with your French endeavors, I opted for "merci.")

elizabeth said...

Thanks! The icon was a gift from my sister!

Merci for wanting to help me with my Francis!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Le bon Dieu te garde, chere Elizabeth !

Thank goodness we can always pray for those we see who are distressed in any way.......