Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday, Simply Saturday

Vespers tonight + Instagram fun 📚

My "office" on the couch.  I am nearing the end of the second book of L'Engle "Genesis Trilogy" which is a lot more than the stories of Genesis! It is a crash course in L'Engle's thoughts, concerns, struggles, reading and pondering. I am taking a lot of notes so I can track the different strands of her thought. Some of it takes some real careful thought to make sense of it as she has a lot of nuance + lots of strands of thought/themes.  L'Engle is trying to synthesize current science with theology in philosophical ways that don't always come together neatly.  But I love getting to think about it all. I love thinking about science and culture and how it all comes together.  But it is worth being careful about, understanding the turns in her thought, seeing how it works or does not work for the reader. 

My closest friends all know that I have a long standing love of this author. It is because I love and loved her first that I can disagree or question something she writes about. 

Soon I hope to switch gears and do some reading on St Silouan and Sophrony. The Nativity Fast begins for us soon. 

Meanwhile may God bless protect and save us 🙏 🕯❤️

1 comment:

Martha said...

Just 1 week until the Nativity fast starts! I am currently reading Goudge's The Dean's Watch.